Ukiyo fūzoku yamato nishikie

橋口五葉 / Hashiguchi Goyō (1880-1921), 浮世風俗やまと錦繪 / Ukiyo fūzoku yamato nishikie / Japanese Colour Prints in Ukiyo Style (Tōkyō: Nihon Fūzoku Zue Kankōkai, 1917-1918. 12 v., 240 woodblock-printed reproductions. Contents: v. 1. Edo shoki jidai — v. 2. Tan’e jidai — v. 3. Benie jidai — v. 4-6. Nishikie shoki jidai — v. 7-9. Nishikie zensei jidai — v. 10-12. Edo makki jidai. Graphic Arts Collection 2013- in process


“Born in Kagoshima, in the south of Kyushu, the son of a minor traditionalist painter, [Hashiguchi Goyo] became interested in Kano-school painting in his youth and in 1899 went to Kyoto to study with Hashimoto Gaho (1835-1908). However, he was persuaded to take up Western painting by the influential Kuroda Seiki (1866-1924) who came from the same district as Goyo, and went to Tokyo to study at the Hakuba-kai (Western Painting Institute) and then at the Tokyo School of Art, where he graduated in 1905.”

“In 1911 he became interested in ‘Ukiyo-e’ prints after winning a poster competition with a study of a beautiful woman, and began to publish articles and studies on early artists of that school. As a consequence of these activities he met the publisher Watanabe Shozaburo, for whom he designed a print (‘Bath’, 1915) which was virtually the first of the ‘Shin Hanga’ movement, but wishing to have complete control over all the processes, he published his subsequent prints himself. In 1916-17 he supervised the twelve-volume ‘Ukiyo-e fuzoku Yamoto nishikie’ (Japanese Brocade Prints in Ukiyo-e Genre Style) containing hundreds of woodblock reduced-size facsimiles of the works of early masters.” —Goyo biography posted by the British Museum
