Passover Seders at the CJL (PASSED)

            Monday, March 25, 2013 at 7:00pm (seder starts at 7:30pm)
            Tuesday, March 26, 2013 at 7:30pm (seder starts at 8:00pm)
Where: Princeton CJL at 70 Washington Road, Princeton, NJ

sederplate1Chag sameach! We hope everyone enjoyed their Passover Seders, whether they spent them with family and friends or at the Princeton CJL. We had tons of people at the Princeton CJL seders, and there were lots of different fun themes. The chocolate seder on Tuesday night was particularly delicious.

To keep in mind for next year, seders are free for graduate students (with a Princeton ID), and $18 for young professionals, which is very reasonable for the amount of food you’ll be eating. As with all other JGAP and CJL events, you are welcome to bring family and friends, but you must remember to register everyone.