B Gordon, for me neither these links nor the one on the previous post are working. They both go to Google Docs pages that say the item isn’t available. Can you provide direct links?
British Columbia Library Association press release Feb 13
[Sorry, this one is not publicly available yet. I was under the impression it was already released. I’ll provide a link when it is available]
McMaster University Faculty Associations responds Feb 11
British Columbia Library Association press release Feb 13
B Gordon, for me neither these links nor the one on the previous post are working. They both go to Google Docs pages that say the item isn’t available. Can you provide direct links?
Sure Wayne – hope these work
McMaster University Faculty Association responds Feb 11
British Columbia Library Association press release Feb 13
[Sorry, this one is not publicly available yet. I was under the impression it was already released. I’ll provide a link when it is available]
British Columbia Library Association press release
also of interest:
Several Canadian university libraries and faculty associations have also published their support for Mr. Askey