Cotsen Children’s Library Featured in The Princeton Packet

Journal a forum of young writers

DATE POSTED: Thursday, September 27, 2012 7:05 PM EDT
By Anthony Stoeckert, Packet Media Group

It’s no surprise that a new literary journal is being published in Princeton, but somewhat unexpected is a publication devoted to the writings of children. That’s exactly what the revamped Picture Book Press, published by Cotsen Children’s Library, is. And based on the content in the Fall 2012 issue, there’s lots of young writing talent in the area.

The first issue includes a first-person account of a girl who, tired of her teachers’ droning, plans an escape from school, but is quickly foiled; a speech by a 13-year-old graduate telling his classmates that they are pandas, and poetry about human nature, favorite things and the wonders of purple.

“It’s jaw-dropping,” says Dana Sheridan, the education and outreach coordinator at Cotsen. “I’m amazed at the subjects and their depth and the quirkiness. Even among five poems a child might send me, they can be vastly different. It makes me more excited than I expected to be part of the process.”  Continue reading




Dana Sheridan of Cotsen children’s library is loving her job as editor of Picture Book Press.

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