Curator’s Tour of “First X, Then Y, Now Z” – December 2, 2012 @ 2 pm

Please join LETC and John Delaney for a tour of the current exhibit in the main exhibition gallery at Firestone Library, “First X, Then Y, Now Z: Landmark Thematic Maps”.   We will meet in the main exhibition gallery at Firestone.

“First X, Then Y, Now Z: Landmark Thematic Maps” introduces viewers to the early history of thematic mapping–the topical layering (Z) of geographic space (X-Y). Exhibited are early, if not the earliest, thematic maps in various disciplines, such as meteorology, geology, hydrography, natural history, medicine, and sociology/economics. Several groundbreaking exemplars from the fields of ethnography, linguistics, and communication and transportation are included. A few, more conceptual, maps about literary subjects, love/marriage, and utopia extend this thematic cartographic exploration. Finally, to answer this basic question–Who is the typical exhibition viewer?–an on-going thematic map is being created from viewer responses regarding gender, Princeton or other affiliation (student, alumnus, faculty/staff, local resident, other visitor), and the state or foreign country where the person was born and/or grew up. Everyone has a chance to put themselves literally on the map.

Registration:  After you’ve logged on, select “Other Training” on the left, then select “Library.”  Questions or comments?  Please contact Beth Wodnick:                     

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Supervisors are strongly encouraged to support employee attendance at training. Particular emphasis should be placed on attendance at those training activities which enhance the employee’s job skills in their current position or which help the employee to advance his or her career at the library. Where the training meets the requirements above, bargaining unit staff will not unreasonably be denied attendance.
 Attendance at all training activities during the work day will require prior approval of the employee’s supervisor. In addition, the employee may be required to use vacation or some other form of personal time to attend.



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