General update!

Yasas! Hello there!

This blog has been less than active the past week, but that hardly reflects our level of activity. In fact, they operate quite inversely. The past seven days have likely been the busiest we’ve had yet and our blog, unfortunately, suffered slightly.

The biggest news of late is our location change. We spent the first four weeks of our program in Athens with day trips to towns and islands in the area. On Friday we said goodbye to Athens and ventured to Mycenae, an archaeological site southwest of Athens. Mycenae was fascinating but it wasn’t our final destination.

From there we moved to Nafplion, a gorgeous seaside town, where we explored castles and fortresses, dined at gelaterias and tavernas, and shopped for komboloi (worry beads).

The main square in Nafplion.

On Sunday we moved to Epidaurus, famed for its ancient theatre. We moved just in time for the start of the Epidaurus festival. Epidaurus is divided into an old and new town and we’ll actually be spending most of our time at our apartment complex about 20 minutes by bus from Ancient Epidaurus.  These photos show why there’s not a complaint to be had about our new home:


Upon arriving at the beach

We’re pretty content with our new residence

Monday’s sunrise around 6:45am. How breathtaking is that?!

Though it’s difficult to believe that we’re approaching single digits with only ten days left in the program, we’re all thrilled to be spending them in Epidaurus and we’re sure to make the most of them.