EPA Libraries’ Roller Coaster Ride

Barbie E. Keiser, a resources management consultant in Washington, D.C., has written a review of the EPA libraries experience of attempting to close several libraries in the wake of a declining budget, but in the face of greater demand. She also writes about recommendations for best practices concerning its “second life”. She says that the website has improved.

The article can be found at www.epa.gov/libraries

One will be able to access the full article soon from Online Information Review, vo. 32(5): 25-29, Sep.-Oct. 2008. “EPA Libraries’ Roller Coaster Ride”

EPA Libraries — Best Practices & summary

Environmental Protection: EPA Needs to Ensure That Best Practices and Procedures Are Followed When Making Further Changes to Its Library Network. GAO-08-304, February 29.

http://www.gao.gov/cgi-bin/getrpt?GAO-08-304 (60 pages)

Highlights –
http://www.gao.gov/highlights/d08304high.pdf (1 page)

Thanks to Ruth Gustafson from UC Davis reporting to the Environment & Resource Management Division of Special Library Association