INIS (International Nuclear Information System) — new database

INIS Online Database from 1970 to date. This new resource was added to our Princeton University Library’s “Articles and Databases” page this summer, and contains ~2.8 million records on peaceful uses of nuclear science and technology. >850,000 papers are full-text. Sponsored by the IAEA, the International Atomic Energy Agency, there is world-wide coverage.

Approximately 1/2 of the records come from journals, the rest are technical reports, conference proceedings, patents, theses, and preprints, known as “grey” or “non-conventional” literature.

Almost 2200 journals are scanned for inclusion, but 580 are key.

The portions especially applicable to environmental sciences are:
8% economic, environmental, legal and safeguards
7% fuel cycle waste and radiochemistry
13% nuclear power and safety