Funding options beyond the fifth year

At the most recent GAC meeting, we were able to begin to generate a list of sources of funding available to students after the fifth year of the program:

1. Adjuncting at local colleges

2. Precepting in other departments (e.g. the Sociology department’s Springsteen class)

3. Working in the Writing Program and the Writing Center

4. Serving as a Resident Graduate Student in one of the Colleges

5. Private tutoring (we didn’t talk about this at the meeting, but it can be a good option)

A lot of empasis was placed on the need to be proactive in obtaining these positions, especially in the case of precepting in other departments. Students who have been successful in securing positions in other departments got in touch with professors months before the start of the class (as soon as course offerings were released).

This list is only a start and it is still very vague – we need everyone’s help to make it as complete and as clear as possible. If you have questions, ask them. If you have wisdom to share, share it. We can use the comment section for a discussion that will eventually serve as a reference guide for this year and for the future.

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