In Principio

Lately I’ve been editing and writing an introduction to a book based on a blog, running a blog for a writing seminar I teach, and talking about blogs in public as if I know something about them, so I figured it was time I started my own blog. I’ve been waiting until I had the Princeton librarian’s lite version of associate professor with tenure (which we call “Librarian with continuing appointment”) before beginning the blog, so that I could tell the brutal truth about my work and have my academic freedom protected. Effective July 1, I’m a Librarian with continuing appointment, so I can now speak freely.

The brutal truth is that I’ve got a fine job in a great library. I probably could have said that before getting continuing appointment without fear of repercussion, but I’m naturally very risk averse.

For anyone who wonders what “in principio” means, it means I’m pretentious.