Make a Difference

The answer is simple: whether made in the U.S. or abroad, demand that your products be “living wage” made products and when made in the United States that there are union-represented workers making your products.

  • The market is driven by its consumers and your dollars can effect real change for a number of people.
  • Buying “living wage” products strengthens those companies committed to investing in the living standard of its workers.

Will there really be any difference made?

  • Your dollar will give voice to those who traditionally have had no say in their income as they work hard to provide for their families.
  • Your dollar will enable workers to support their families by providing health care, transportation for their children to school, and healthy food options.
  • Your dollar will strengthen companies looking to invest in their workers.

Will it cost me more to buy Living-Wage products?

Yes.  In most cases, Living-Wage products cost slightly more than those produced by companies that pay their workers less.  The higher cost is no burden to people in wealthy economies, and goes directly to workers who want their families to enjoy a fraction of the stability and opportunity that our families have.


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