eLife — Open Access journal for important research in Life Sciences and Biomedicine

 “Website for new open-access journal, eLife, launched – 17 Dec 2012

eLife, a new open-access journal for outstanding advances in life science and biomedicine, reveals a fresh approach to presenting and using scientific content on its new website.”

“The eLife journal invites visitors to explore important new research and associated data, read comments and commentary by experts and colleagues, and get a sense of the quality of work that eLife is publishing. Nineteen research papers have now been selected for publication by eLife’s academic editors.

The new site also offers a chance to explore how eLife is taking advantage of digital media. Presentation of content is clean and distraction-free, allowing authors to present the results of their research in full, and inviting readers to delve deeply into the work by exploring figures and their supplements, watching videos, reading editor decision letters and author responses, downloading data sets, viewing article-level metrics, and more. All of this is a starting point, as eLife will continue to solicit feedback from the community in making the presentation as accessible and usable as possible.

The eLife journal is now online at http://elife.elifesciences.org.”

Click here

Source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter, Dec. 17, 2012

Galaxy — platform to facilitate analysis of large bioinformatics data sets

http://galaxy.psu.edu is the open, web-based venture developed by Penn State and Emory University.  It’s compatible with the Python (open source) programming language.  Multiple tutorials are available for getting started manipulating large data sets.  Registration is free (also).

Source: Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, October 15, 2012, p. 62. http://www.genengnews.com

FlyExpress for Developmental Biology Research

FlyExpress, for Drosophila development study has received a 4-star (excellent) review in the October 15, 2012, issue of Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News,  www.Genengnews.com  (page 62).

www.flyexpress.net has “> 100,000 images depicting expression patterns of > 4000 genes” over time.  There are various ways to search this database, including the spatial search feature based on GEMs, Genome Expression Maps.

DNA Interactive — A “Best of the Web” selection in genengnews.com

The reviewer describes DNA Interactive:  “Beautiful site design, fun and engaging material”.  It is a “4-star” site, dedicated to DNA’s discovery and study, from Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory — and it’s free.  http://www.dnai.org

Source:   Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, Nov. 15, 2012, p. 50

It can also be found on the web at: http://www.genengnews.com

GEN’s “back page” also offers reviews “Best of the Apps”, too.