Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry | | | |
William H. Reusch, emeritus professor at Michigan State University, published his Introduction to Organic Chemistry in 1977. Readers may purchase it for a list price of $137.74; or they may access the Virtual Textbook of Organic Chemistry, which contains nearly the same information online, for free, on this surprisingly comprehensive website. Here readers will find a fully operational organic chemistry textbook, divided into the two overarching topics of General Principles and Functional Group Reactions. Within General Principles, readers will learn the basics of Structure & Bonding, Intermolecular Forces, Chemical Reactivity, Aromaticity, and other subjects. Functional Group Reactions covers Alkanes, Alkenes, Alkynes, Alcohols, and many other subjects. For readers looking for a comprehensive, freely available organic chemistry textbook, this site will be a true boon. [CNH]”
Source: The Scout Report, Univ. of Wisconsin, Jan. 22, 2016
Category Archives: Course “packs”
World Library of Science introduced by UNESCO
UNESCO has launched the World Library of Science. “The library will be accessible to internet users everywhere in the world, at no cost. The majority of the content is for university-level students, giving them resources to ‘complement their learning’.” Target groups are students and teachers in the more underdeveloped parts of the world, especially, Africa. “The library – WLoS – ‘contains’ more than 300 articles, 25 eBooks and some 70 videos, as well as a digital platform that “provides a community hub” for learning, according to UNESCO, which created the site jointly with the international Nature Education publishing group and the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche.
“The library – WLoS – ‘contains’ more than 300 articles, 25 eBooks and some 70 videos, as well as a digital platform that “provides a community hub” for learning, according to UNESCO, which created the site jointly with the international Nature Education publishing group and the Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche.”
From ResearchBuzz Saturday Afternoon Buzz, November 15th, 2014, Tara Calishain
International Year of Biodiversity declared by UN
This year we have a unique opportunity to share our knowledge of Earth’s biological diversity and encourage contributions to its conservation. The United Nations has declared 2010 the International Year of Biodiversity. Scientists and conservation practitioners from around the world have been working with their local and national governments to educate the public on species, ecosystems, and ecological processes. Our goal is to ensure significant advances in conservation policy that protect resources fundamental to human well-being are met in 2010. To celebrate this year, Conservation Biology has created 3 FREE Virtual Issues. Read them here: |
Connectivity and Corridors |
Climate Change |
Conservation Social Science |