The Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) will host its first North American meeting on Open Access in 2012. The first of its kind, the event will expand on the successful biennial SPARC Digital Repositories meeting. Source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter July 27, 2011 |
Cambridge Journals — Open Access through August 30, 2011
” Cambridge Journals open access to online content published during 2009 and 2010 – 18 Jul 2011
Cambridge Journals, a division of Cambridge University Press (CUP), UK, is celebrating recent achievements by making all its online journals content from 2009 and 2010 free for six weeks.
Cambridge has enjoyed accelerating success in recent years with increasing numbers of journals published, improved impact factors and multiple enhancements made to Cambridge Journals Online (CJO). Usage has significantly increased with the digitisation of new and archive content, and more people are now able to access Cambridge Journals than before. Currently over 1.3 million articles are downloaded from CJO every month.
To celebrate these successes, and to reach out to new customers, Cambridge Journals has announced that it is making all online content published during 2009 and 2010 free between July 15 and August 30, 2011.
During the trial, the Cambridge Journals team will also be looking for feedback to help shape the future of the service. The CJO website is continually developing, informed by consultation with key customers in the academic and library communities. Users will be encouraged to give their feedback on CJO and content, to ensure the service keeps on developing according to their needs.”
Knowledgespeak Newsletter, July 18, 2011
The Science & Entertainment Exchange — NAS
“The Science & Entertainment Exchange is a program of the National Academy of Sciences that connects entertainment industry professionals with top scientists and engineers to create a synergy between accurate science and engaging storylines in both film and TV programming.” Learn More
Virtual Drug Discovery — Nimbus
Editor’s Corner of Fierce BioTech IT .com 5/16/11
“My visit to Nimbus, Bill Gates’ bet on virtual drug discovery
By Ryan McBride |
Microsoft ($MSFT) chairman Bill Gates was announced as one of Nimbus’ seed investors in March, raising the profile of the young firm and shedding light on its unique relationship with Schrödinger, in which Gates invested last year through his Cascade Investment group. Nimbus hasn’t disclosed how much it has brought from Gates, Atlas and its other seed investors, yet more details could be in the offing; the company is planning a Series A round of funding in the near future.
Schrödinger, a global provider of chemistry simulation software for pharmaceutical companies, is a major shareholder in Nimbus. Ramy Farid, Schrödinger’s president, co-founded Nimbus with Atlas’ Booth in 2009 and sits on its board, the chairman says. The start-up has special access to Schrödinger’s software, support from the 21-year-old company’s computational chemistry experts and business expertise from Atlas.
While it’s too early to say with Nimbus’ drugs will succeed in clinical trials, the upstart has been able to show how the use of new software for understanding disease proteins and other tools have helped speed its drug discovery efforts, according to Booth. Read the full article >>“
American Physical Society offers Open Access option to authors
” APS announces new alternative for Physical Review journal authors to pay article-processing charges – 16 Feb 2011
The American Physical Society has announced that as of February 15, 2011, authors in most Physical Review journals will have a new alternative to pay an article-processing charge whereby their accepted manuscripts will be available barrier-free and open access on publication. These manuscripts will be published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License (CC-BY). The most permissive of the CC licenses, CC-BY grants authors and others the right to copy, distribute, transmit, and adapt the work, provided that proper credit is given. This new alternative is in addition to traditional subscription-funded publication. Authors may choose one or the other for their accepted papers.
The new article-processing charges, which will cover all costs and provide a sustainable funding model, have been set at $1700 for papers in the Physical Review and $2700 for those in Physical Review Letters. The resulting open access articles will appear alongside and mixed in with subscription-funded articles, converting these journals into ‘hybrid’ open access journals. Revenue from the article-processing charges will decrease the need for subscription income and help to keep the APS subscription price-per-article among the lowest of any physics journals.
Also as of February 15, Physical Review Special Topics – Accelerators and Beams (PRST-AB) and Physical Review Special Topics – Physics Education Research (PRST-PER) will have their full archives and all future papers made available under the CC-BY license, thereby converting both of these journals to ‘gold’ open access journals. PRST-PER’s publication-charge scheme has been realigned with the new programme. PRST-AB will continue to be funded by its sponsors. Finally, APS’s Free to Read program will be phased out, and all of these papers covered by the CC-BY license.
These developments for existing APS journals follow the announcement in January of a new journal, Physical Review X (PRX), an online-only, fully open access, primary research journal covering all of physics and its applications to related fields.”
Source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter 2/16/11
Cell Press wins “Article of the Future” Award
“Cell Press wins PROSE Award for Article of the Future – 09 Feb 2011
Cell Press, an imprint of STM publisher Elsevier, has announced that ‘Article of the Future’ is the recipient of this year’s PROSE Award for Excellence in Biological and Life Sciences, presented by the Professional and Scholarly Publishing (PSP) Division of the Association of American Publishers (AAP).
In January 2010, Cell Press launched a new format for the online presentation of research articles that breaks free from the restraints of hardcopy – ‘Article of the Future’. This new, more integrated and linked article format, allows each reader to create a personalised path through the article’s content based on his or her own interests and needs.
This year’s winners were determined by a distinguished panel of 16 PROSE judges, out of a record-breaking 491 entries – more than ever before in its 35-year history – from more than 60 professional and scholarly publishers across the country.
Developed in collaboration with authors and readers, ‘Article of the Future’ reflects Elsevier’s and Cell Press’ ongoing commitment to evolve the concept of a scientific publication in conjunction with the development of new technologies and functionalities.”
source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter, Feb. 9, 2011
Science powerhouses around the globe
“Globalizing Science” by Tom Price, Jan. 28, 2011
“Are traditional scientific powerhouses losing their edge?
The United States, Europe and Japan are beginning to lose their traditional dominance in science and technology – not because they are doing less, but because the rest of the world is doing more. China, India, Southeast Asia, South Korea and Taiwan have all increased their share of patents, scholarly scientific articles, research-and-development spending and researchers, while the share held by the United States, European nations and Japan has declined. As developing countries mount their own research enterprises, the world of high technology is being transformed. China last year unveiled the world’s fastest supercomputer, a distinction that had belonged to the United States and Japan. International scientific collaborations are on the upswing, Western universities are building branch campuses overseas, and multinational corporations are locating their research, development and high-tech manufacturing operations abroad. Most experts say traditional science powerhouses won’t be replaced anytime soon by rapidly developing countries such as India and China, however, in part because those countries’ educational systems don’t yet nurture innovation.”
Source: CQ Global Researcher, CQ Researcher Alert, 2/3/11
Scientific Reports – Nature’s open access journal coming in summer
“Nature‘s open-access offering may sound death knell for
subs model [Times Higher Education]”
Source: [LibraryLink] Library Link of the Day for 2011-01-31
Peer review — an inquiry by the UK’s House of Commons
“The Science and Technology Committee in the UK’s House of Commons recently launched an inquiry into peer review. It invites evidence on the operation and effectiveness of the peer review process used to examine and validate scientific results and papers prior to publication.”
From (CHMINF-L) Bill Town at Kilmorie.com
and from Knowledgespeak Newsletter 2/1/11
Bonnie Bassler is the recipient of the Richard Lounsbery Award
Date: Jan. 20, 2011
Academy Honors 13 for Major Contributions to Science
WASHINGTON — The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) will honor 13 individuals with awards recognizing extraordinary scientific achievements in the areas of biology, chemistry, physics, economics and psychology.
The recipients for 2011 are:
“Bonnie L. Bassler, Howard Hughes Medical Institute Investigator, and Squibb Professor in the department of molecular biology at
To see the whole list:
Source: What’s New @ The National Academies
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