Researcher ID was devised by ISI/Thomson, for use in Web of Knowledge (Web of Science) to help identify and organize all papers by an author, standardizing author’s names. Princeton University has a subscription, so you may access this database and add to it, by going through the Library homepage, under "Articles and Databases" then Web of Science . You may notice that you already have a ResearcherID, and you may want to see if your listing is complete — or needs any corrections!
"ResearcherID, [also] available via, is a global, multi-disciplinary scholarly research community. By assigning a unique identifier to each author who participates, ResearcherID provides an invaluable index to accurate author identification and increases recognition of work and collaboration among researchers."
Create a ResearcherID
"Learn how to create your own ResearcherID and build a publication list in this introductory session
(06:45 minutes)." [It also illustrates EndNote and its use with ResearcherID.]
You will also gain access to journal analytics and graphics like Impact Factor and H Index.