ScienceDirect Access Improvements

Princeton University has subscribed to all the Elsevier journals in ScienceDirect ,  so that most articles in this database should be available in full text. Where available, we have purchased the backfiles, otherwise our subscriptions begin with 1995.  There are a few journals in ScienceDirect from other publishers to which we do not have access.  You may contact the Library or submit a document delivery request, if you don’t get access.  Full text access may be denied unless you go through a PU path, like the e-journals links or the online catalog.

The "ScienceDirect EJ package" includes 2700 journals, but does not include the 6000 books.  You will, however, be directed to Related articles — which is very neat!  Their Preview button, as yet, does not seem to deliver. 

ScienceDirect home

Contributed by the Head of the Science Library, Patty Gaspari Bridges.


New improvements to ScienceDirect, with the aid of researcher/collaborators:
  • Fewer clicks
  • Researcher comments and ratings will be integrated with the articles.
  • Preview tabs on tables of content or results pages
  • Navigation is improved by an article “toolbox” which clumps together functions:  ‘cited by”  “download PDF”, “e-mail article”
  • Instant, rollover access to cited reference papers within the body of the citing article
As reported by EContent Magazine XTra, 4/15/08