Goodbye PubMed, hello raw data
- Fiona Godlee, editor, BMJ
Source: STS (ALA) listserv, Hope Leman, MLIS
Research Information Technologist
Center for Health Research and Quality
Corvalis, OR
Source: STS (ALA) listserv, Hope Leman, MLIS
Research Information Technologist
Center for Health Research and Quality
Corvalis, OR
However, [Tim] "Berners-Lee and [Nigel] Shadbolt are hopeful that earlier statements and commitments by members of the new government to open government data indicate that support for open-linked data initiatives will continue, despite the cuts. They believe that the website, a similar initiative to the U.S. government’s portal, will continue to grow over the coming months. The U.S. service now has more than 270,000 data sets available for developers. The U.K. version is somewhat smaller with a little more than 3,000 data sets."
Source: Jim Ashling. Information Today. Medford: Jul/Aug 2010. Vol. 27, Iss. 7; pg. 20, 2 pgs
Open Access to Research Is Inevitable, Libraries Are Told [The Chronicle of Higher Education]
Here is the link:
From "Library Link of the Day" October 19th.
ArXiv, the physics open repository, is mentioned as the exception, and even this doesn’t get all of the papers researchers should, or would want to see. The Director of the Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics, says that the U.S. lags way behind Europe and other countries.
On a more hopeful note, the Johns Hopkins Data Conservancy project Director, Sayeed Choudhury, envisions a time when huge amounts of data will be available to researchers everywhere.