Journal Citation data released for 2009

Journal Citation Reports (JCR) now has 10 years of journal metrics available:

Journal Citation Reports  (1999+)  (Science & Social Science Editions.)

From Information services provider Thomson Reuters, US, "JCR claims to be the most widely used tool for assessing the world’s leading journals. The metrics it offers, including Journal Impact Factor, empower users to objectively evaluate a journal’s performance and its influence on research globally."  JCR ranks 9100 journals from 2200 publishers in 78 countries.

Source:  Knowledgespeak Newsletter, June 18, 2010


Journal ranking service — SCImago

From today’s Librarian Newsletter from BioMed Central:

A new way for libraries to rank journals

Until recently Thomson’s Journal Citation Reports service (JCR) has remained essentially unchallenged as the metric to journal rankings, but now a new journal citation metric, the SCImago Journal Rank (SJR), looks set to offer an alternative source.

Unlike the JCR (available by subscription) SCImago is freely available online, and also offers important improvements, compared to the JCR.

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