OSTI, the science & technology portal of the U.S. Government

OSTI, the Office of Science and Technology Information is worth bookmarking.  It serves as a portal for most of the federal goverment’s information, reports and data for 18 agencies:

Agriculture,Commerce, Defense, Education, Energy, Health & Human Services, Interior, Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, Library of Congress, National Aeronautics & Space Administration, National Archives & Records Adminstration, National Science Foundation, and the US Government Publications Office.

Terminology and thesauri might help in your information searches.

This site is a gateway to DOE collections at ScienceAccelerator.gov, global science via WorldWideScience.org, scientific research data as an open government initiative, and the OSTIblog.

Much of this, they declare, is outside Google’s purview — in the “deep web.”

Copenhagen COP15


© flickr user Jams_123 licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic
U.N. Climate Summit Under Way in Copenhagen
Leaders from across the globe convened today (Dec. 7th) in Copenhagen for a United Nations conference to discuss a plan to combat climate change. One of the goals of the summit, which runs through Dec. 18, is to work on a follow-up treaty to the Kyoto Protocol that expires in 2012.

Source: WhatsNew@NationalAcademies.org

Under the "Full Story", there are links to reports and a link to the conference website.


National Technical Reports Library — coming soon from NTIS

From Bill McGahey at NTIS.gov:

"To further enhance accessibility to the NTIS collection, NTIS will be launching the National Technical Reports Library (NTRL) during early Spring 2009.
The NTRL will provide access to:
Bibliographic records of more than 2,000,000 technical reports
Downloadable full text of 500,000 of these reports in Portable Document Format
The NTRL operates on a subscription-based system interface that allows users to do queries on the large NTIS bibliographic database. The intent is to broadly expand and improve access to millions of bibliographic records (pre-1960 to present) and 500k full-text documents in Portable Document Format that are directly linked to the bibliographic database."
More information will be forthcoming.

NTIS – National Technical Information Services — RSS Feeds

 The Nation’s Source for Scientific Information

"NTIS undergoes a rigorous process to ensure that all the information we offer is authentic and credible. This integrity, along with the breadth and depth of our collection, is why NTIS is regarded as the nation’s preeminent source of government information." 

NTIS is now offering RSS feeds to any of its 39 major subject categories.  One may subscribe to receive the latest titles, weekly.   For a listing of Scope Notes that defines the specific topical content for each, go to  http://www.ntis.gov/pdf/scopenotes.pdf

To subscribe to the Newsletter, write to: ntrnews@ntis.gov

 "The National Technical Information Service (NTIS), is the nation’s largest and most comprehensive source of government-funded scientific, technical, engineering and business-related information."


Source: NTIS Technical Reports Newsletter, Vol. 1(4), October 15, 2008