ChemSpider (Royal Society of Chemistry)



    “This astonishingly powerful, award-winning database from The Royal Society of Chemistry provides fast access to over 30 million chemical structures and properties, as well as nearly unlimited links and related information. For a quick introduction, go to the About page and watch the ten-minute introductory video. Then start searching! Simple searches expedite your exploration when you enter the trade name, synonym, or systematic name of the compound you wish to find. Conversely, you can input by Structure, with an innovative Edit Molecule function. Lastly, Advanced searches allow you to combine methods. In addition, the ChemSpider blog boasts frequent entries about the site and the field at large. [CNH]

  • Source: The Scout Report — Volume 20, Number 33, from the Univ. of Wisconsin

ChemMobi, A free APP from RSC! It’s National Chemistry Week!

“Chemistry: There’s An App For That

National Chemistry Week, Oct. 16-22: There’s an App for that. Chemists on the go can check the safety of cosmetic ingredients, scroll through millions of chemical structures and molecular formulas, and model liquid chromatography flow rates.”

Provided by the Royal Society of Chemistry and Symyx Technologies.

Submitted by Anne Langley, Oct. 18, 2011

Metallomics: Integrated Biometal Science — New journal

 RSC Publishing announces online publication of the first issue of new journal, Metallomics – 16 Jan 2009

Princeton has:

Scientific publisher RSC Publishing, UK, the publishing arm of the Royal Society of Chemistry, has announced the online publication of the first issue of a new interdisciplinary journal – Metallomics: Integrated biometal science. The journal will appeal to chemical scientists, bio-scientists and environmental scientists from across academia, industry and government.

While Metallomics will publish 6 issues in 2009, it will increase its publishing frequency to 12 issues in 2010. Metallomics issue 1 contains 3 critical reviews and 8 primary research articles. In a landmark new paper, Hiromu Sakurai and colleagues in Japan describe how a drug based on a chemical found in garlic may be a potential new candidate for treating both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, while Jennifer A. Meyer and Dana M. Spence review the role of metals in diabetes.

Metallomics comes just one week after RSC Publishing launched Integrative Biology, a new journal covering the quantitative biosciences. The journal also published its first issue online. The current issues of both journals will be freely available to all web users throughout 2009 and 2010. Institutional online access to all 2009/2010 content is also free following a simple registration process.

Wholly owned by the Royal Society of Chemistry, RSC Publishing publishes a wide range of journals, magazines, databases and books. It claims to be one of the largest publishers of chemical science information.

Source:  Knowledgespeak Newsletter Jan. 16th. 

Energy & Environmental Science — New Journal from RSC


Today the Royal Society of Chemistry has announced that its new journal,  Energy and Environmental Science is freely accessible, at least for 2008 and 2009.  They do ask each individual to register for access, however.
"A new journal linking all aspects of the chemical sciences relating to energy conversion and storage, alternative fuel technologies and environmental science."