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From the Private Library of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov: Сочиненія Александра Пушкина. Юбилейное изданіе пушкинскаго комитета подъ редакціей проф. М.Л. Гофмана. Berlin : In Kommission Petropolis-Verlag, 1937 |
A valuable addition has just been made to the Annotated Books collection in the Princeton University Digital Library: a copy of a 1937 selected works of Alexander Pushkin edition owned by Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov. The book, purchased at auction at Christies in June 2010, features Nabokov’s copious autograph marginalia and contains, among other things, the copy of the Russian text of Eugene Onegin he used when producing his famous and controversial translation of Pushkin’s novel in verse. The text of Eugene Onegin is the most heavily annotated section of the volume and per se a document of major import given the abiding scholarly interest in Nabokov’s bilingualism. This text and the others in the volume will also be of significant interest to the broad scholarly population studying the influence of the pre-Revolutionary Russian literary legacy on Nabokov’s oeuvre and literary subjectivity. Therefore, in the interest of making the contents of this manuscript document maximally accessible while protecting the document itself from excessive wear and tear, and with the generous permission of the Wylie Agency which represents the Nabokov Estate, Princeton is making freely available these high-resolution digital images of all 1,098 pages of the volume. Another annotated book from Nabokov’s library – a volume of Tiutchev poetry – is scheduled to be added to the collection soon. Please note: these digital images of manuscript marginalia from Vladimir Nabokov’s private library are made available courtesy of Rare Books and Special Collections at Princeton University Library. The copyright (© 2014) for this manuscript marginalia is held by The Dmitri Nabokov Estate and this material is being made available electronically by permission of The Wylie Agency LLC. Users may not make unauthorized reproductions.