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From the Private Library of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov: Ф.И. Тютчев. Стихотворенія. Берлин : Книгоиздательство “Слово”, 1921 |
A second volume from the private library of Vladimir Vladimirovich Nabokov has been digitally imaged and is openly available for consultation in the Annotated Books collection of the Princeton University Digital Library.
This copy of a 1921 Berlin edition of verse by Fedor Ivanovich Tiutchev, purchased by Princeton at auction at Christie’s in London in 2010, was owned by Vladimir Nabokov, and bears the underlinings, circlings and marginalia he left surrounding the texts of several poems contained therein. Scholars interested in Nabokov’s engagement with the pre-Revolutionary Russian literary canon can now consult high-resolution digital images of the book in the Annotated Books collection of the Princeton University Digital Library. Among the poems noted and/or annotated by Nabokov in this volume are “Слезы”, “Вечер”, “Проблеск”, “Сумерки”, “Вчера, в мечтах обвороженных”, “Люблю глаза твои, мой друг”, “Сон на море”, “Весенняя гроза”, “Видение”, “Как неожиданно и ярко”, “Ночное небо так угюмо”, and “Умом России не понять”. Please note: these digital images of manuscript marginalia from Vladimir Nabokov’s private library are made available courtesy of Rare Books and Special Collections at Princeton University Library. The copyright (© 2014) for this manuscript marginalia is held by The Dmitri Nabokov Estate and this material is being made available electronically by generous permission of The Wylie Agency LLC. Users may not make unauthorized reproductions.