Велеміръ Владиміровичъ Хлѣбниковъ. Творенія томъ І 1906=1908 г. Москва : Гилея, 1914 (Velimir Vladimirovich Khlebnikov. Works. Volume I 1908-1908. Moscow : Gileia). Princeton University Library has acquired a copy of this very rare 1914 imprint from the Futurist press Gilea, containing works by Khlebnikov, essays on Khlebnikov and his work by Vasilii Kamenskii and David Burliuk, and prints by David and Vladimir Burliuk. At the end of the volume is a section (“Книги русскихъ футуристовъ. Каталоги издательствъ. 1908-1914 г.г. Москва-С.-Петербургъ.”) advertising Futurist publications from a number of Moscow and St. Petersburg presses (“Гилея”, “издательство Еуы”, “издательство Журавель”, “издательство Г. Кузьмина и С. Долинскаго”). This “first” volume was apparently the only one published.
This purchase was made with contributions from the Art and Slavic funds. The book is housed in the Marquand Library of Art and Archaeology. No other copies listed in OCLC.