Surrealist Film

Works Cited

Ades, Dawn. Dali’s Optical Illusions. Yale University Press, 2000.

Ades, Dawn. “Why Film?” in Dalí and Film. Edited by Matthew Gale. New York: MOMA, 2008.

Adamowicz, Elza. Chien Andalou : French Film Guide. London: I.B. Tauris, 2010.

Breton, Andre. Manifestoes of Surrealism. Ann Arbor: U of Michigan, 1969. Print.

Breton, André. First Manifesto of Surrealism.

Browder, Clifford. André Breton, Arbiter of Surrealism. Genèva: Droz, 1967.

Desnos, Robert. “Minuit à quatorze heures”. Les Cahiers du mois, no. 12, 1925.

Desnos, Robert and Man Ray. L’etoile de Mer. Directed by Man Ray and Jacques-André Boiffard. 1928. Paris. Film.

Deutsches Filminstitut. Conscious Hallucinations: Filmic Surrealism. Belleville, 2014.

Enforex. “Un chien andalou.” Enforex S.L. May 10, 2015.

Everett, Wendy. “Screen as threshold: the disorientating topographies of surrealist film.” Screen 39, no. 2 (1998): 141-152.

Finkelstein, Haim. Un Chien andalou: The Nature of a Collaboration

Fotiade, Ramona. “The slit eye, the scorpion and the sign of the cross: surrealist film theory and practice revisited.” Screen 39, no. 2 (1998): 109-123.

Gubern, Román, and Hammond, Paul. Luis Buñuel: The Red Years. Madison, WI: University of Wisconsin Press, 2012.

Knowles, Kim. A cinematic Artist: The Films of Man Ray. Peter Lang AG, 2009.

Kuenzli, Rudolf. Dada and Surrealist Film. New York: Willis, Locker & Owens, 1987. 

Kuenzli, Rudolf. “Man Ray’s Films: from Dada to Surrealism.” Avant-Garde Film (Avant-Garde Critical Studies 23). Editions Rodopi BV, 2007.

Moine, Raphaëlle and Pierre Taminaux. “From Surrealist Cinema to Surrealism in Cinema: Does a Surrealist Genre Exist in Film?“ Yale French Studies, No. 109 Surrealism and its Others. 2006.,

Walz, Robin. “Surrealism and Film.” Oxford Bibliotraphies. Dec. 19, 2012.

Weiss, Allen S. “Between the Sign of the Scorpion and the Sign of the Cross: L’Age d’Or.” in Rudolf E. Kuenzli, ed. Dada and Surrealist Film. New York: Willis, Locker & Owens, 1987.

Williams, Linda. Figures of Desire: A theory and Analysis of Surrealist Film. University of California Press, 1992.

——— The Critical Grasp: Buñuelian Cinema and Its Critics.



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