Athens highlights in photos

Changing of guards is definitely not something we’re accustomed to in the States, but in Greece (and many European countries) it happens every morning with a more elaborate procession on Sundays. The guards, called Evzones, change their posts in front of Parliament in Syntagma Square. Syntagma, meaning constitution, is the square where most of the riots have taken place the last few months.


Though their costumes are traditional and beautiful, it seemed unbearable to be wearing so many layers in 90˚F.


Though we haven’t run into many other critters, dogs roamed everywhere in Athens. Once in a while they would even roam with us. Here there are a couple walking to the metro with us:

We climbed Mount Lycabettus at sunset one evening and though the hill was steep, the view was worth it.  It’s about 275 meters above sea level; the highest point in Athens.