What can you look forward to in February, other than Valentine’s Day? Career Fairs, of course! Career Services has two upcoming fairs: the first is the Summer Internship Fair, on Friday, February 18, 2011 from 1 – 4pm in the Frist Multipurpose Room and the second is the Nonprofit Career Fair, the following Friday on February 25, 2011 from 1-4pm, also taking place in the Frist Multipurpose Room.
Since some students may have never attended a career fair, I thought I would share a few tidbits of advice. I want to emphasize the importance of adequate PREPARATION. It is essential that students think about what they want to get out of each fair before they attend. This will help maximize the overall success rate for each individual student. Some of this information can also be found in Career Services Career Planning Guide. You can view the guide online here (specifically page 33- 34) or pick up a copy at the Career Services office.
Create a list of employers that you definitely want to talk during each fair. Knowing who you want to talk to beforehand will help you maximize the time that you spend at the fair. You can log onto TigerTracks now to view the list of organizations who will be in attendance. But, don’t just choose organizations whose names are familiar to you. If you are unfamiliar with an employer, now is the time to do some research. Who knows? You may be surprised how many more organizations you are interested in after you find out more about them! Knowing who you want to talk to beforehand will help you maximize the time that you spend at the fair.
Develop an introduction. Sometimes students don’t always know what to say when approaching an employer at a career fair. It might be useful to prepare a short introduction. You want the employer to know your name and class year and perhaps why you are interested in his/her organization. For example, let’s say I was meeting with an employer from Madison Square Garden’s internship program. My introduction might be “Good afternoon. My name is Rana Campbell and I am a current sophomore. I have had a few internships in the media industry and am looking for an internship in the area of event marketing or social media this summer. I know that MSG has communications and marketing internships with the Knicks, Rangers, and Radio City, are there other areas I can apply?”
Think of specific questions to ask. This is probably one of the most important parts of career fair preparation. Make sure you ask employers specific questions about the type of internship/ job opportunity you want. You might want to ask about the best way to apply or what you can do as an applicant to stand out from other applicants. Be creative! Think, “What do I really want to know?”. Now is the time to ask!
Review/refresh your resume. Having an up-to-date resume is key when attending any type of professional fair. Although not all employers will accept resumes, for those that do, it will be imperative that your resume is professional, proofread, and an accurate representation of your academic, personal, and career accomplishments. Don’t have a resume or haven’t updated yours in a while? Don’t worry Career Services can help you! Stop by during daily walk-in hours from 3-5 for a critique of your resume. Also, check out our Career Planning Guide for samples and tips.
Plan your attire. Most employers at the fair will be in business or business casual attire. Therefore, you will want to be dressed and groomed neatly. While it is not necessary that you wear your best business suit, you definitely don’t want to wear pajamas and slippers! Slacks and nice shirt is a great option for guys, while a skirt/dress pants with a suitable top will suffice for females.
Even if you are not sure what your career interests are, I highly recommend that you still attend these fairs so that you can gain experience networking and speaking with employers. Who knows, you might even learn something new about your interests and possible future career/internship options while at the fair!


Belated Happy New Year wishes! I can’t believe it’s already 2011. It seems like yesterday when I first arrived here at Career Services and was just starting this fabulous internship. In 2010, I learned so much about communications, marketing, and career planning, so I am both thrilled and excited to embark on another journey this semester. I don’t normally do New Year’s resolutions, but I thought that creating challenging tasks for myself would be a good way to start the year. I’m now a second semester sophomore and before I know it, I’ll be a senior contemplating my post- graduate life. There are some things that I need to start doing now in order to prepare for that time, so here’s my list:
1. Make a Career Counseling Appointment.
Believe it or not, even though I work here in the office, I still haven’t made a career counseling appointment. I have already established a relationship with many of them, but I think it would be good for me to get in the office and actually speak with them about my career development. Having them review my resume, or help me map out possible career options would be great! This is definitely something I will do this semester. Besides that, I have no excuse not to! I am in the office 4 days a week, anyway.
2. Network!
Last semester, I met so many interesting people working here at Career Services. Many of them were Princeton alumni who could definitely be an asset to me later on in my job search. For example, in the fall, I met Jennie Thompson ’90, who works at NBC Universal. Because I am interested in media industry, it would be great to possibly have an informational interview with her in the summer when I am in NYC. This year, I want to continue to attend events such as those and meet interesting people. Meeting new people and hearing about their career paths really inspires me.
3. Keep track of my Networking Successes.
Oftentimes, after networking, I think, “That person was really cool”. I may take his/her business card, but I never really do anything with it when I return home. I suddenly realize that I may not be able to remember all the names of people I have met through networking when the time comes to follow up with them. This year, I have decided to start keeping track of everyone I meet. I haven’t quite decided how I will do this. I may use the Address Book on my computer, or I may get an old notebook and use it solely for networking purpose. Nonetheless, I will record all of my networking contacts in an organized way.
4. Attend a Career Services Event that I might not normally sign-up for.
Although I attended many Career Services events last year, I want to attend more in 2011! However, I want to stretch my interests and sign-up for an event that I may not be initially drawn to. For example, I might want to attend a finance event. Although, I am not interested in the financing industry, it won’t hurt me to learn more about that field. Learning about new things is a part of the educational experience.
5. Practice my interview skills.
Okay, this is also the year to fine-tune my interviewing skills. Although I am very comfortable speaking to people, I want to learn how to better prepare for a variety of interview questions and styles. There is a lot of information in the Career Planning Guide about interview preparation (you can check it out online or come to Career Services to pick up a free printed copy). After I meet with a career counselor for the first time, I will schedule a time to come in for a mock interview.
6. Make a schedule and stick to it!
This will probably be one of my most important resolutions. As you know as an ever-so-busy college student, my days can get pretty hectic. Besides going to class and work, I have a lot of other commitments. This year I will make use of my calendar to the fullest! Though planning everything out may seem a bit much, I know that it works for me and helps me maximize my productivity.
So, there you go—my 2011 resolutions! I am sure, as the year progresses, I will have more to add to this list. However, the motto “Start small, think big” resonates with me. Once I have accomplished these resolutions, I will be ready to move on to new ones! Wish me luck!


Nowadays, there are counselors for almost every aspect of the human experience. Before I started my internship at Career Services, I didn’t know as much about what career counselors do, beyond helping students to find jobs. Having worked here for the entire semester, I now see how many other ways career counselors assist students. Career counselors can help you:
  • Understand what you do well and where your interests lie through assessments and discussions
  • Explore potential majors, careers or graduate programs using a variety of resources (online and offline)
  • Establish connections with alumni, employers, or admissions representatives at schools you are interested in applying to
  • Apply to graduate/ professional school, or to employer organizations
  • Evaluate your options and making decisions about your post-graduation plans
  • Develop resumes, cover letters, letters of application, and personal statements
  • Create a strategy to reach your goals
  • Learn the interview, follow-up, and networking skills needed to pursue opportunities
  • Learn about various industries and professions
  • Navigate the variety of career and internship-related programs offered through Career Services and across campus
You might think that you don’t need someone to help you with these things, and that you can “handle it on your own.” However, even the most motivated and career-minded students use career center resources to help support and guide their individual efforts. In fact, there is even a direct correlation between use of your college career center and student success in the job market. In a national survey of college students, “the likelihood of a student getting a job offer increased with the frequency of career center use” (National Association of Colleges and Employers, 2010 Student Survey). The survey also showed that “use of career services resulted in higher median salaries, and median salaries climbed with increased use. “ Okay, I am not trying to sound like an infomercial here…but you get the picture.
Career Services and the career counseling staff are such a valuable resource for students, I think every student could benefit by visiting the office during their time in school. It just makes sense; when thinking about your career, why wouldn’t you use every resource available to you? Now I realize that at a school as competitive as Princeton, some may feel that seeking help might create the perception that they do not have everything figured out yet. Guess what! Not every student on campus has their career plans all figured out. Meeting with a career counselor just means that you are using all the resources at your disposal. Remember, any information discussed between you and your counselor is considered personal and confidential.
So, what are you waiting for? If you are feeling stressed out by even the mention of the word “career,” then speaking to a career counselor may really help. Don’t procrastinate, the sooner you get started in this process, the better. The best way to get started is to schedule a 30 minute appointment by calling Career Services’ front desk at (609) 258-3325. Or, if you have quick question, feel free to stop by for a 15 minute walk-in on any weekday afternoon from 3:00- 5:00 PM. Career counselors are here to help you, so let them!


On November 10th at 6PM at Prospect House, my supervisor at Career Services handed me a flip camera and asked me to record my experiences. I had a few hours to network with alumni, talk with other students, and catch everything on video.

Upon first entering, I was immediately struck by the number of students that attended. Though the space was quite large, there always seemed to be students crowded around each alumnus for the duration of the event. Because of the diverse range of industries represented by the Princeton graduates, there was a constant flow of attendees weaving throughout the tables. In fact, I was unable to interview several of the alumni I had originally intended, such as Katie Ko ’09 and Dana Dreibelbis ’78, because they were always engaged in a conversation with a student. Despite the fact that time did not permit me to interview every alumnus, I did have some very interesting conversations with about a dozen graduates. As a senior, my conversations were less geared towards garnering advice about major and industry, and more geared towards creating a career path from an entry-level job.

For me, the most compelling conversations concerned alumni’s own experiences from their first year out of college. I spoke with alumnus Larry Fox ’77 who glowed as he recounted his years teaching at an American school in Caracas, Venezuela and explained that it was an important life step before beginning a career in engineering and manufacturing. Lily Hines ’09, only two years out, happily spoke with me about the trials and tribulations of applying for law school while holding a job. I attempted to capture as many of these conversations as I could on camera, but I must admit, it was my first time using the device, and I had several mishaps. For example, I had a hard time fitting some of the attendees in one frame. When asking Kevin McGowan ’95 to share some advice for Princeton students, for instance, I attempted to show off his great Princeton tie as he was telling students to pursue a job that they can enjoy, and I ended up cutting out his entire forehead and eyes at one point. I also found it interesting that the word “passion” was used so many times throughout the interviews. Nearly every alumnus emphasized finding a job or sector that a student is “passionate about,” which is excellent advice. In fact, this common theme popped up three or four times in each conversation. (How many times can you count the word “passion” over the course of the video?)

With that said, I had a ton of fun at the event. I loved getting mixed advice from both young alumni and those more established in their fields. As I videotaped the event, I was curious to listen to the questions my peers asked and to hear the tailored advice they received. Eating good food and chatting with so many talented and smart individuals made the night a great success in my mind. Hopefully, despite some mishaps with my camera work, I was able to show what a fun and educational night this was. Check out my video below…


Seniors, are you wondering what to say to well-meaning friends and family over the holidays when asked about your job search? I picked up a few tips from the “Class of 2011: Job Search” event that I would like to pass on to help you to navigate the dreaded question: “So, how’s that job search coming?”

Although these inquiries may sometimes seem annoying, it is a mistake to avoid discussions with friends, family, and associates about your job search. While you may be trying to enjoy the holiday festivities to (momentarily) take your mind off your job search, be sure to stay open to opportunities that allow you to network. You never know who has ties with an organization, or where you may meet an executive or recruiter. The best way to deal with questions about your job search is to be honest and open about your progress, and take advantage of the opportunity to ask for advice or referrals.

Here are a few potential “scripts” to use:

“I am looking for opportunities within (industry or field) and have been busy identifying and researching employers with the help of my career center, alumni, and others. Please let me know if you have any suggestions for my job search. ”

“In addition to following up on job postings available through my school, I have been networking with friends, family, and alumni. Do you happen to know anyone who works in the ______industry?”

“I am exploring all the resources at my disposal and am open to learning about as many others as possible. Do you have any suggestions?”

According to the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), about 75-80% of jobs are landed by networking. Reaching out to people, no matter how awkward it may seem, is one of the most effective ways to not only learn about a company, but also establish contacts. Some of the best people to talk to are family and friends. If someone gives you the name of a contact, ask them if you can use their name when reaching out, or whether they could call in advance to let the person know you will be contacting them. You can also look up individuals using Facebook or LinkedIn and reach out with personalized messages to people with whom you would like to connect.

Here are some additional tips for job seekers during the holidays:

1. If you notice fewer new job postings online during this period, increase your industry research and individual outreach. During the holidays you may notice fewer online job postings. This is the time to expand your search beyond Internet job posting sites to identify unadvertised opportunities. Job postings only represent a portion of available job opportunities—if you focus only on the job boards you may be limiting your search. Using lists like Business Week’s “Best Places to Launch a Career” or’s “Top Entry Level Employers” may help you identify companies that match your career interests. From there, Wikipedia, Google News, and LinkedIn’s company pages are excellent ways to research and target specific organizations or corporations. Proactively reaching out to these organizations to inquire about potential opportunities will help you expand your search and tap into the hidden job market.

2. Take advantage of holiday festivities to network with as many people as possible and use time off from classes to network online. Meeting new people (either in-person or online) can broaden your network, so be sure to let others know that you are looking for a job. As mentioned above, tapping into the network of your family and friends is a great way to expand your contacts. Also, do not overlook alumni as another resource for your job search. Using the Alumni Careers Network (available on the Career Services website), you can reach out to established Princeton graduates who have volunteered to offer advice to students about their field or profession. Social media tools are becoming more and more essential in the job search and the networking benefits differ from one site to another. For example, sites like Twitter allow you to follow organizations’ posts to stay up to date on their news and events, you can “like” organization Facebook pages, and you can reach out to professionals in your field using LinkedIn. Using a comprehensive approach and a combination of resources will ensure the best results.

3. Schedule an appointment with a career counselor before leaving for winter break or during reading period. Don’t forget to take advantage of the personalized attention you can receive via a scheduled career counseling appointment in Career Services. A career counselor can help you develop a tailored strategy, direct you to specific resources for your field, and offer advice to improve your self-marketing skills.



Throughout your life, you will probably have to interview many times. Whether for a job, internship, or other opportunity, an interview is how recruiters determine if you are a good “fit” for the position. Interviews are a key deciding factor in whether you will be selected and questions are designed to assess your personality, strengths, weakness, and overall background. Today, I came across the article Career Guide Series: Seven Interview Don’ts. The article provided seven great tips about what NOT to do during an interview.

This summer, I worked with recruitment directors in the Human Resources field in New York City. I gained a great deal of insight into the amount of time and effort spent interviewing prospective employees. I saw, first-hand the blunders of some candidates due to their lack of knowledge of interview do’s and don’ts. For this week’s blog, I decided to comment on each of the “Seven Interview Don’ts” mentioned in the article and add a few thoughts of my own.

DON’T BE LATE OR TOO EARLY.  Punctuality is important in the interview process. You never want to arrive late to an interview because (even with a valid excuse) it will be perceived negatively. However, the article emphasizes that some interviewees believe that arriving early shows commitment and interest in the job. While it is a good idea to arrive a few minutes before the interview time, arriving too early may actually not be a great idea. Arriving too early might be an inconvenience or give the impression that you are “overzealous.” So, you shouldn’t arrive an hour early just to prove to the interviewer that you are interested in the job. Bottom line, it is wise to respect the interviewers’ time.

DON’T GIVE A WIMPY HANDSHAKE. The article mentions that the strength of your handshake indicates your confidence level. A weak or “wimpy” handshake might denote a lack of confidence, which would not get your interview off to a good start. On the flip side, too strong of a handshake and you can be perceived as too aggressive. (Watch the short video in the article for more on handshake etiquette.)

DON’T SLOUCH IN YOUR CHAIR. While you want to be calm and relaxed, your posture needs to indicate that you are paying attention and interested in the conversation. As the article advises, slouching gives a negative impression in that you appear disrespectful and disinterested. Sitting up straight is always the best way to go.

DON’T STARE OFF INTO SPACE. While you should try to maintain direct eye contact when listening to and responding to questions, you do not need to stare at the recruiter the entire time. While thinking of your response, you may divert your glance momentarily—just  be careful not to lose your train of thought or appear as though you are daydreaming. Eye contact can help you to appear more confident, trustworthy, and interested. Do your best to remain focused for the duration of the interview and give the interviewer your full attention and eye contact.

DON’T GO UNPREPARED. When interviewing for my internship with Career Services, I made sure to research information about the departments’ services, resources, and events. I wanted to make sure I had a firm understanding of the needs of the department. Similarly, before every interview, it is important to mine the organization’s website for information; understand the job description and needs of the department; have some basic knowledge of industry trends; and develop specific questions to ask the interviewer about the opportunity. Interviewers will be impressed if you show them that you did your homework.

DON’T FORGET YOUR MANNERS. Politeness is always essential and it can go a long way. This begins from the moment you arrive on-site. Be sure to hold doors open, smile, and say “please” and “thank you” to everyone you meet—you never know who you will encounter and how their impressions weigh into the process . Last summer, my internship supervisor gave me another basic interview tip. When being offered a glass of water by an interviewer, it is always best to accept it as a sign of appreciation, even if you do not actually drink it.

DON’T FORGET TO FOLLOW UP. It is important that you follow-up, within 24 hours after each interview, with a thank you e-mail. This is a great way to help the interview remember you and shows your interest in the position. During your interview, try to find out if they have a specific timeline for the recruitment process. Then, after sending the initial “thank you,” you can follow up with the recruiter once more by phone or e-mail to determine where you stand in the process and find out when you should check back with them again.

When it comes to interview “don’ts,” it is important to find the right balance between arriving too early/late; shaking hands too strongly/too weakly; sitting too stiff/too relaxed; and eye contact that is too intense/too minimal. However, one can never be too prepared or too polite! Finally, you must always send a thank you, and then take your cue from the interviewer when it comes to further interview follow-up. For more information on interview preparation, refer to the “Interview” section of the Career Planning Guide.


One of my job duties in my internship with Career Services is to look for career-related advice that might be useful for the student body. Today my supervisor asked me to look for articles that we might want to “tweet” or “retweet” on our Twitter account. (For those of you who may not know, Princeton Career Services has its own Twitter account (princetoncareer). If you are signed up for Twitter and want to “follow” us, or if you are just interested in checking out our tweets, click here.) While completing the assignment, I came across the following article entitled “Job Search: Facebook,The Untapped Job Board.” The article gave advice about how job seekers can sometimes use Facebook, a social media tool, to look for career opportunities. This may come as a surprise to those of you who only use Facebook to keep up with friends and find interesting and fun things to do. The article noted that a lot of companies often place job ads on their Facebook sites. So, “Liking” or “Becoming a Fan” of a company’s Facebook page could be an advantage for job seekers. At the same time, browsing a company’s Facebook profile and pictures can give you good sense for what the company culture is like and the company’s branding style. Other benefits could be receiving invitations to company events and gaining access to company employees–both great for NETWORKING. I liked how the article stressed the importance of having a work appropriate Facebook and how some may be hesitant to use it for job hunting. Since Facebook is one of the most highly used social media outlets, the article stressed that it had many benefits beyond the obvious “social” aspects. An example of this is that companies now advertise and maintain a presence on Facebook in order to reach employees and customers. So, the benefit to you as a job seeker is that you can merge your social and professional networking activities which is efficient and convenient. (Just be careful that your Facebook profile and wall are “employer-friendly!”) By using Facebook in this way, you may stumble upon an unexpected opportunity.
Speaking of stumbling upon an unexpected opportunity, sometimes you have to take the time to seek these out and use a variety of methods. When I was in high school, I spent one of my free periods reading the magazine “Black Enterprise.” I remember reading an article about an entrepreneur named Dawn Fitch who created her own natural beauty product line called “Pooka Pure and Simple.” Immediately, I fell in love with her story and thought to myself “I would love to work with her!”. The article featured her contact information, and it turned out that her warehouse and headquarters were less than five minutes away from my house! I thought to myself, “Hmmmm…… maybe I can work with her!” Later that day, I emailed the head of public relations and asked about a possible internship. I didn’t care about being paid, I just wanted to come in and learn how the company worked. At that time they didn’t offer internship positions, but they liked my enthusiasm and decided to create one! They invited me in for an interview and a few weeks later I was the new Pooka intern! The experience, which lasted for about a year, was amazing! I loved coming in the warehouse on Saturdays and helping customers with their orders. I also enjoyed seeing what happens in the factory”(where all the products are made, put into containers, labeled, and shipped). At the same time, the relationship I developed with Dawn and the other co-founders of the company was truly rewarding. They provided me with a fresh perspective about the joys of being an entrepreneur. Though I am no longer a Pooka intern, I still visit the warehouse when I can, and use their products regularly.
So, what does this all mean for you? Sometimes the key to finding a job and internship (or any other opportunity) is to use untapped resources and possibly create your own. Facebook can be a great place to connect, not just with friends, but also with companies. At the same time, reading trade or business magazines can be a helpful way of keeping up with trends while also learning about businesses in your area of interest. If you read about someone or a company that you like, there is no harm in emailing them to express your interest and desire in learning more about them. In fact, check out their company’s Facebook to see if you can find ways to better align yourself with them. Think outside the box and try not to limit yourself to traditional job posting sites when searching for opportunities. When approaching your job search in this way, the benefits and networking possibilities are endless!


I check my Facebook about once every few days, but I have a feeling that most of my friends check it way more frequently. I use the site to keep in touch with friends from high school and college, send and receive reminders concerning important upcoming campus events, and update loved ones about changes in my life. However, I know people that use their Facebook page practically as a replacement cell-phone: making plans, flirting, and chatting instantly with friends. What I didn’t know, though, was that Facebook is a social media tool that students are using to advertise themselves to employers.
In the past years as I have been applying for internships, I have been given the same advice from friends, teachers, and parents: “Do not let your employers see your Facebook.” It stands to reason, then, that a Facebook page could be potentially a harmful tool in the application process. All of those pictures from Winter Formals and those comments about Jersey Shore might make a company think twice before they hire you. So why, then is Career Services providing tips on how to use social media in your job search?

In many organizations, the reality is that the HR representative or hiring manager will use Facebook as a way to increase their understanding of and informational access to applicants. A statistic quoted in Career Services’ Career Planning Guide says that according to the National Association of Colleges and Employers over 70% of employers check out candidates using social media tools. More and more companies have begun to post job offerings on Facebook. They are looking for media-savvy prospective employees who have a firm grasp on social media tools like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, who can help the company reach a wider base. Discovering a job on Facebook may be an advantage, as it demonstrates an applicant’s grasp of social media, as well as his/her understanding of the importance of networking and initiative. You can also find out about and sign up for events hosted by the company on Facebook. Organizations constantly scan their postings on information sessions or campus visits to see which students have chosen to RSVP and attend.

Facebook can also be used to make an applicant stand out. If a profile appears clean and professional, while still having personality, it may be the deciding factor in a tie between a few applicants. Employers look for things like what you are a “fan of” and what your “interests” are. You can make yourself appear very serious about the job by becoming a fan of the company and putting professional pursuits in your “personal information” section. By limiting photographs, graphics, widgets, etc. and posting content relevant to your job search, you will appear more career-minded and business savvy.

Finally, for those who have not had much experience in the job market, Facebook may be an easier way than tools such as LinkedIn, to begin the process of social networking. While LinkedIn is a professional networking site, it may be intimidating for students without work experience to begin to network with individuals who have been in the field for several years. (For helpful information about how to get started using LinkedIn click here.) Facebook allows students to foster relationships with friends and alumni in a low-pressure setting, while still being able to present a business-professional front. However, it is important to remember that if you begin conversations with professionals via Facebook, you must be aware of the other Friends you are connected to on the website. Choosing Facebook friends wisely is essential to Facebook networking because a new friend can see information about all your other friends in your profile. In essence, your current friends on Facebook reflect back on you to future employers.

Facebook can be a great way to market yourself to employers during the job search. Once you make the decision to use the website as a professional networking tool, you must remember to: 1) clean up your profile including content and friends; 2) limit photographs and extra widgets on your profile; 3) post content relevant to your career search; 4) use Facebook to build relationships with friends and working alumni. If you do all these things, Facebook could be the tool that sets you apart from other applicants in a tight pool.

For individualized information about how to tweak your Facebook Profile and use other forms of social media, visit Career Services. You can make an appointment by calling (609) 258-3325 or drop by during walk-in hours every weekday from 3-5 PM to speak with a career counselor.


My best friend, Tammi, has known she has wanted to be a lawyer since she was 9. She completed an LSAT class over the summer and just finished taking the test a few days ago. Ahead of the game, she has already applied to 12 schools with rolling admission, so she would be in the first round of candidates to be considered.
I have always envied Tammi for her confidence in choosing a career path and her commitment to seeing it through. She has been dedicated in researching schools, carefully completing applications, and choosing coursework to better prepare her for law school. She had begun contacting the appropriate people at Princeton when she was a Junior, so that she was not left with too much work her senior year. And because of all this, I know Tammi will get into a great law school and become a very successful lawyer.
Fortunately, for the rest of us, there are a few different places on campus to get information about further education after college. The Graduate and Professional School Fair this Friday (Oct. 15 in Dillon Gym) offers students the opportunity to meet with representatives from over 100 schools and ask specific questions about application procedures, studies, and how to make yourself look appealing to admissions teams. For students who want more information about specific schools, or even fields of interest, it is the perfect environment to ask personalized questions and receive direct answers. (Here is a link to the list of schools attending,
I know a lot of students would rather research a school online and ask questions via email or phone, etc. I understand this approach because there is little pressure and everything is done on one’s own time. However, attending the Fair could have major (and unforeseen) benefits. I found this link on the Career Services website very helpful:
Another way to gain exposure to educational programs offered in several fields is to attend the many events planned for Princeton undergraduates through Career Services. In the upcoming weeks, there is a Business Ph.D. panel with admissions officers from Chicago Booth, Harvard, MIT Sloan, Northwestern Kellogg, NYU Stern, and Stanford (Oct. 15, 302 Frist); a meet-and-greet with the Yale Law School Dean (Oct. 19, 307 Frist); and a Quinnipiac University Law School Admissions Dean visit (Oct. 22, 36 University Pl.). There are several more events planned for November.
Finally, as always, the last way to stay informed is to meet with a career counselor to go over your progress in the application process, or ask any questions you may have concerning professions in law, business, etc. They will work with you to help you make the best, educated decisions possible.