Solve these Word Problems from Arithmetic Made Familiar and Easy (1748).

Yesterday I was looking at the three editions of Arithmetic Made Familiar and Easy to Young Gentlemen and Ladies, the second volume in The Circle of  the Sciences published by the famous 18th-century English children’s book publisher, John Newbery. Arithmetic is written in the form of a catechism, or a series of questions and answers.  Contemporary educators considered the catechism a more lively way to communicate information than a lecture because it was a kind of conversation.  To engage the young reader, the compiler also included information about the abacus and change ringing as a kind of arithmetical progression.  There were instructions for adding up an invoice for the purchase of apples, gingerbread, marbles, and oranges or for calculating the costs of x number of yards of lace so children knew how to check bills for mistakes or overcharges.

On to the puzzlers in Arithmetic Made Familiar.   The first is in verse and was a golden oldie, having been in circulation at least since 1708, where it appeared as an example of “vulgar arithmetic” in The Ladies Diary or Womens Almanack.

When first the Marriage-Knot was ty’d / Betwixt my Wife and me, /  My Age did hers as far exceed / As three times three does three: / But after ten and half ten Years /  We Man and Wife had been, / Her Age came up as near to mine, / As eight is to sixteen.

Now try the second puzzler:

A Man overtaking a Maid who was driving a Flock of Geese, said to her, Good-morrow, Sweetheart, whether are you going with your 99 Geese?  Sir, said she, you mistake the Number; for if I had as many more, and half as many more and one fourth Part as many, then I should have but 99.  The Question is, how many Geese she had?

The answers will be posted next week.


So Long Summer: A Visit to Isaiah Thomas Books on Cape Cod

Labor Day used to mark the end of the season on Cape Cod until the beginning of the K-12 school year was pushed back to late August.  So today is like the perfect time to run the last of our summer’s tributes to independent booksellers across the country.

I’ve been haunting Isaiah Thomas Books on the Falmouth Road for years.  It’s a stone’s throw away from the Cahoon Museum of American Art, which is currently undergoing expansion.  You can’t miss the rambling house painted bright pink with stained glass windows…

isaiah_thomas_entrance isaiah_thomas_stained_glass

There is plenty of parking for people looking for second hand copies of books for summer reading, crafting books, Barry Moser prints, antiquarian books, books on Cape Cod and New England, art books, books in foreign languages, books on collectibles–toys, china, silver, jewelry, textiles, clothing and accessories, model trains, etc.  The Isaiah Thomas website claims the stock is about 70,000 titles, but it has to be an understatement. There are books piled high on the floor in front of bookcases that reach the ceiling, there are books wedged in the space between the tops of the books and the bottoms of the shelves.



The sculptures littering the premises are something of a distraction.  I don’t remember seeing the inflatable Orca leaping over a case of miscellaneous hardbacks or the King Tut in the history section last year.


king tut

My second stop after the collectibles section is the children’s department, which also houses all the cookbooks.  A very enlightened arrangement for the gourmet bibliophile.  The tiger is new too.


It’s always fascinating to see what children’s books Cape Codders discard from year to year.  Once there were shelves and shelves of books in the Goosebumps series, which I should have culled for the collection and didn’t.  Another time I scored a complete set of Beatrix Potter’s little books for the Cotsen gallery and we are still retrieving them from the floor and putting them back in the Hearth of Darkness.    One summer I wiped clean two of three shelves of American Girl books and had the pleasure of directing a Princeton undergraduate history major to them within a year.  August 2015 was the summer of series books, some with great designs on the dustjacket spines.  Lemony Snickett, Nancy Drews in the yellow bindings,  Hardy Boys, Junior Deluxe editions, The Happy Hollisters, The Boy Allies…

isaiah_thomas_boy_allies isaiah_thomas_junior_deluxe



It is hard to visit Isaiah Thomas without being waylaid by the store cat, who shamelessly demands love and generally gets it.  While she was sprawled on the counter near the cash register, the proprietor confided in me that she is no mouser…  Customers are warned not to let her escape into the parking lot anyway.

isaiah_thomas_cat isaiah_thomas_door

I could buy on-line from Isaiah Thomas Books, but somehow it’s not the same as poking around the premises with Max Raabe crooning in the background on a cloudy morning that promises to turn fair by lunchtime.


A painting by Ralph Cahoon, of course.