With reading period upon us I thought that it might be appropriate to remind the diligent young minds of Princeton University about the importance of minding their books.
Dean & Son, the prodigious 19th Century London publishing firm, brings us a very short story about a certain ill-behaved Sam Weld who never quite learns his lesson. The story comes from one of Dean & Son’s “English Struwelpeters”, a series of cloth books inspired by the smash hit moral tale Der Struwwelpeter by the German author Heinrich Hoffman. From the last 2 leaves of Little Miss Consequence comes the cautionary tale: “The Naughty Boy Who Destroyed His Books”.

Cover: Little Miss Consequence (London, Dean & Son, 1858?) (Cotsen)
Good luck studying! Remember to treat your books well and read . . . or you might become a swineherd!