Grad Study Room Book Collection

We Need Your Input!! Please read and respond to the following wonderful initiative described here and headed by Greg Londe.

As part of the continuing renovation and awesome-ification project of the English Graduate Study Room in Firestone, we are in the process of recategorizing the books that currently spill over from the Scribner collection (all those SE # books) in a newly established library location unto themselves. We will also be buying books for this new location, and that’s where you all come in. Please suggest below books that you would like to see purchased for a non-circulating English Grad. collection. For this modest (to begin with) collection, we particularly have in mind books of criticism and theory that extend and supplement the now decades out-of-date Scribner collection: works that have made a major contribution to the field, that are cross-period to whatever extent possible, that appear regularly on exams reading lists or on syllabi, and/or that you just have regularly had difficulty finding. Of course, if you have suggestions that meet none of those criteria, it’ll still be valuable to consider them (primary texts? works of theory?). Feel free to post suggestions (as comments to this entry) as they occur to you, perhaps as paper writing season descends and flaws in the library’s holdings become more obnoxiously apparent. Once we have the long list, we’ll work on voting, narrowing, and all that.

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17 Responses to Grad Study Room Book Collection

  1. Kyessa says:

    I don’t know if these qualify as “always hard to come by” but they are definately nice to always have handy:

    Hortense Spillers: Black White and in Color

    Madu Dubey: Signs and Cities

    ed Winston Napier: African American Literary Theory

  2. Evan says:

    Oh, also maybe some Adorno? “The Culture Industry” and “Notes to Literature”?

  3. Evan says:

    Hi, sorry I’m a little slow on the uptake. Here are my suggestions:

    Pierre Bourdieu, “The Rules of Art”

    Pascale Casanova, “The World Republic of Letters”

    Franco Moretti, “The Novel”

    Franco Moretti, “Graphs, Maps, Trees”

    Raymond Williams, “Marxism and Literature”

    Raymond Williams, “The Raymond Williams Reader”



  4. Lindsay says:

    This list looks wonderful…for theory I would just add Blanchot’s The Space of Literature.

    Hooray for Greg and John L.

  5. Roger says:

    The theory list has been taken care of already — everything non-obscure that I’ve had trouble finding on the stacks is already here, and more. Here are a few extra works of criticism/literary history that I’ve consistently had trouble getting:

    Woloch, _The One vs. the Many_

    Watt, _The Rise of the Novel_

    Nicholls, _Modernisms_

  6. Sarah says:

    HOORAY! Thanks, Greg– and let Yaron and me know what we can as the project moves forward…

  7. Greg says:

    An update from John Logan! We got a place to put all these books, and a library willing to help us buy them.

    “Dear Greg,

    We now have a new Main Catalog location for B-9-J. It’s EGSR. The

    head of Firestone Circulation Services wanted something that was

    clearly different from SE, so I went with the simplest solution.

    Books now permanently shelved in the Graduate Study Room will be

    transferred from SE to EGSR, and any books we acquire for the

    collection you had in mind will also have that location. Books in the

    EGSR location will not circulate. So let me know your desiderata and

    we’ll order them.”

  8. Aaron says:

    I’d second most everything said so far, and suggest as well:

    Bataille: The Accursed Share

    Jameson: Prison-House of Language, Political Unconscious

    A set of the most recent Cambridge Histories of various period literatures

    Grover goes to the Museum of Everything

  9. Grant says:

    Great list so far! Here’s a few more:

    Habermas: Toward a Rational Society

    Frances Yates: Giordano Bruno and the Hermetic Tradition; The Art of Memory

    Deleuze: Cinema 1 & 2; Negotiations

    And I’ll second anything by Barthes, Jameson, Raymond Williams, Agamben, Bourdieu, Foucault.

  10. Will E says:

    A couple more:

    Bourdieu: Distinction, Homo Academicus, Outline of a Theory of Practice

    Guillory: Cultural Capital

    Ranciere: The Politics of Aesthetics

    Agamben: Homo Sacer, Potentialities, State of Exception

    Habermas: The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere

    Warner: The Trouble with Normal, Publics and Counterpublics

    Berlant: Anatomy of a National Fantasy, The Queen of America Goes to Washington City, The Female Complaint

    Some of these are temporarily shelved in reading rooms, one is available as an electronic resource (Potentialities, I think), and one is in another study room (Religion has Outline of a Theory of Practice)

  11. Adrienne says:


    To add to what’s already been said, major works by Raymond Williams,Frederic Jameson, Gayatri Spivak, Stephen Greenblatt and Edward Said would be useful to have on hand in Firestone.

    Also on the wish list (if slightly more esoteric):

    Bachelard, Poetics of Space

    de Certeau, Politics of Everyday Life

    Levebvre, The Production of Space

    Lit Stuff:

    Denning, Cultural Front

    Douglas, Terrible Honesty

    Edwards, Practice of Diaspora

    Amy Kaplan

    Also, it would be nice to have a selection of Cambridge Companions to literature-related stuff as general reference in there.

  12. Mike says:

    I got some! I got some!

    De Man: Allegories of Reading

    Derrida: Acts of Literature

  13. John R says:

    I’d like to add:

    Benn Michaels: The Gold Standard and the Logic of Naturalism

    Posnock: Color and Culture: Black Writers and the Making of the Modern Intellectual

  14. Keri says:

    Stage Fright: Modernism, Anti-Theatricality and Drama by Martin Puchner

    Rethinking Tragedy, Rita Felski, ed.

    All the new volumes of Walter Benjamin translations and The Arcades Project

    Daphne Brooks, Bodies in Dissent: Spectacular Performances of Race and Freedom

    Anne Cheng, The Melancholy of Race

    Jill Dolan, Utopia in Performance

    Toril Moi, Henrik Ibsen and the Birth of Modernism

    Stanley Cavell, The Claim of Reason

    Theatre/Theory/Theatre: The Major Critical Texts from Aristotle and Zeami to Soyinka and Havel (ed. Daniel Gerould)

    Susan Sontag, Styles of Radical Will; Illness as Metaphor; On Photography

    Roland Barthes, A Lover’s Discourse, S/Z

    Edward Said, Orientalism

  15. Michelle says:

    Amen to everything Sarah said, esp. about the Bhabha.

    Some (admittedly Americanist) staples:

    Lott: Love and Theft

    Bercovitch: American Jeremiad

    Roach: Cities of the Dead

    Levine: Highbrow, Lowbrow

    Hartman: Scenes of Subjection

    Fetterley: The Resisting Reader

    Gilroy: Black Atlantic

    Dimock: Through Other Continents

    Benn Michaels: Our America: Nativism, Modernism, and Pluralism

    Takaki: Iron Cages

    Sundquist: To Wake the Nations

  16. David R says:

    The Language of Psychoanalysis by Laplanche and Pontalis is a rare but useful thing.

  17. Sarah says:

    Here are a few that I can never get my hands on:

    Freud Reader, Ed. Peter Gay

    Marx Reader, Ed. Tucker

    Foucault: The Order of Things and History of Sexuality

    DuBois: Souls of Black Folk

    Hegel: Phenomenology

    Butler: Bodies That Matter and/or Gender Trouble

    Bhabha: Location of Culture

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