When: PASSED (Thursday, December 13, 2012 from 8:00 – 11:30pm)
Where: Abby Cohen’s house (email jgap@princeton.edu for address)
We had an awesome time at our first ever Hanukkah Board Game Night. There were about 15 attendees throughout the night. Thanks to Abby Cohen for hosting and making latkes, cinnamon twists and cookies! Everything was delicious, and we had lots of fun meeting so many new people, eating, playing games, and lighting candles. Thanks to everyone else who came and brought games and snacks. We played Apples to Apples (Jewish Edition), and are looking forward to our next game night once the new semester starts. Stay tuned for more upcoming events, and as always, email jgap@princeton.edu if you’re willing to host an event, or have an idea for a future event.