Frances Wroblewski

Frances Wroblewski, faculty assistant in the Department of Math, passed away on Feb. 24, 2013. She was 61.

4 thoughts on “Frances Wroblewski

  1. Linda Brozyna

    Frances and I shared an office. She greeted me each day with a smile and a cheery “Good morning”. I miss her pretty face and infectious laugh. Frances left us much too soon. Rest well, Honey.

  2. Alice Chang

    I remember Frances as a particularly warm person who meets everyone at the department with a smile. I had a couple chats with her–once at the Whole Foods supermarket, each time she told me something she is enthusiastic about in life. She has left us too suddenly!

  3. Carrie Lane

    Frances is surely missed. I remember her little chuckle whenever she would find something funny. I know that her vacation to Italy was one she had enjoyed and would talk about a lot. She had a warm heart and a soft voice that I won’t forget.

  4. Gale Sandor

    I miss Frances every day, from greeting her smiling face in the morning to our chats about our weekends. We especially loved the beach and had many talks about the Jersey Shore. She was truly a wonderful person to work with, a true team player. She was always so gracious to lend a helping hand, and you didn’t even have to ask her. Frances was such a warm and loving person. I was truly blessed to have known such a beautiful person.

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