Current Research Projects

Funding Agency Research Project Title
Idaho National
Enginering Lab
Microstructural Mechanics Modeling for the Failure of Graded Materials (completed December 2002)
NSF Numerical Simulation of Delayed Fracture by Surface Reaction in Material Structures of Small Feature Sizes (completed March 2004)
NSF Development of Fragility Curves for Problems in Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering (completed August 2005)
NASA NASA/URETI: Bioinspired Design and Processing of Multifunctional Nanocomposites [Research Group Website]
BP/Ford A Carbon Mitigation Initiative at Princeton University [Research Group Website]
CCP CO2 Capture Project, Storage, Monitoring and Verification: Well Forward Simulation (pending)
NSF Transient Flow-Induced Soil Failures of Coastal Structures (2007-2010)