Pace Center Kickoff Event

TCRH was excited to share its mission with students at the Pace Center Kickoff event!  It was a great opportunity to talk with students about our mission and goals, what we do as a chapter, and why TCRH is important to us! We hope that the students we met at the event (and those we did not get to meet!) will consider becoming a part of TCRH, and join us in our efforts to bring quality healthcare to the people of Kakamega, Kenya!

For those of you who couldn’t make it to the event, check out the awesome posters made by Kemy, a member of our Outreach and Publicity Committee!

General_poster Flyer_holder

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Thank you to Sympoh for supporting TropicalClinics!

TCRH would like to thank Sympoh for supporting TropicalClinics through their annual show, Break Out, on February 14 and 16! Sympoh generously donated 50% of the ticket sales for the Saturday matinee show to TropicalClinics, and also allowed TCRH members to collect donations at both performances.  Congratulations on a great show, and thank you so much to everyone in Sympoh for their support!

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Starbucks fundraiser a success!

Thank you to everyone who made TCRH’s Starbucks fundraiser a success! We made $76.55 in sales, and will send all of these funds to TropicalClinics! We hope to have more successful events in the future — we will keep you posted on the blog!

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Update: Cheeburger Fundraiser Smashing Success!!

Thank you all for making the Cheeburger Cheeburger Fundraiser a huge success!!  Over 100 people came to the event, and our group spent $1,341 in sales and raised $268.37!!! 100% of the raised funds will be sent directly to TropicalClinics!  Thank you again, and we hope that you will come to other TCRH events in the future!!


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Cheeburger Cheeburger fundraiser!

We are excited to announce that this Tuesday (1/22) Cheeburger Cheeburger will be hosting a TropicalClinics fundraiser!  From 5:30-9pm, Cheeburger Cheeburger will donate 20% of all sales to TropicalClinics when you bring the TropicalClinics Flyer and eat in or take out! 100% of all funds raised will go directly towards the TropicalClinics mission of providing high quality health care in rural Kenya.

Remember to PRINT OUT and BRING the flyer (liniked above) or TropicalClinics will not get any funds from your purchase.  We hope to see you there!

Join the Facebook event here, and invite all of your friends!

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Documentary Screening!

On January 11, TCRH hosted its first rural health activism event: a screening of the documentary “Sinesipho: Why Must I Die?”.  The documentary is a moving film following the story of Sinesipho,  a young South African girl living with AIDS.  As the face of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Turberculosis, and Malaria, she symbolized the hope and commitment that donations would finally flow to poor countries for the provision of medicine and care in the fight against AIDS.

The film screening was followed by a group discussion.  The event was eye-opening and thought-provoking, and we cannot wait to host more events like this one to help spread awareness of global health issues!  Thank you to everyone who attended! Please check our “Upcoming Events” page to stay updated on future events.

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UPDATE: New Executive Board Members and Committee Chairs!

The original six TCRH executive board officers are VERY excited to announce that we now have four more executive board members and five new committee chairs, as well as members for each of the five committees!

100% of the applicants who were offered positions on our committees accepted! Please welcome these talented individuals to our team:

Chief administrative officer: Amber Abuga
Chief campus liaison: Bizuwork Melesse
Chief community liaison: Madeline Russell
VP of chaptership expansion: Christine Hildreth

Chair of outreach and publicity: Divya Krishnan
Chair of rural health activism: Michael Chang
Chair of fundraising: Yuntao (Calvin) Zeng
Chair of special events: Theresa Meyer
Chair of chaptership expansion: Melody Qiu

Thank you to everyone for your outstanding applications and we look forward to working with you!!

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Pizza eating contest!

Hey everyone,

Sorry, this post has been a little delayed. The TCRH executive board has been busy with midterms, projects and eating a lot of turkey. However, just a little while ago (12/1), we successfully implemented our first fundraising event: a pizza eating contest!

Our VP of Fundraising, Max Silver, did an awesome job coordinating the event. Naked* Pizza, a local pizza business in Princeton, generously donated twelve small (VERY SMALL!) pies of pizza to our contest, as well as one large pie for the spectators. The MC, Quintin Sally, kept everyone laughing as the contestants rapidly downed 9 slices of pizza. Our winner, Max Coale, also turned out to be the winner of our second contest, the saltine-eating contest. He was rewarded handsomely for his efforts with a Naked* Pizza t-shirt and chocolates.

Our illustrious winner with a huge smile on his face!

All in all, our event was a huge success and we raised over 100 dollars that day. Thanks to everyone who came out to support the eaters! Please see our Facebook page for more pictures and videos.

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Hello everyone,

Welcome to the official TropicalClinics for Rural Health: Princeton University blog. We are the founding student chapter associated with TropicalClinics, a 501(c)3 U.S. nonprofit with the mission of building one-of-a-kind health centers in rural areas of developing nations (beginning in Kenya).

Through implementing dedicated fundraising efforts and facilitating frequent rural health activism events, TCRH chapters provide direct support for the mission of TropicalClinics to bring quality health care to underserved rural populations in developing nations, while in the process fostering the development of their members as future leaders in the global health field.

Just recently, we had a very successful Meet and Greet with the founder of TropicalClinics, Dr. Margaret Kilibwa! In the coming months, we look forward to expanding our chapter with new members and continuing our efforts to bring accessible and affordable healthcare to rural areas of developing nations!

Princeton students at our very first meet and greet!

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