About Louise Deis

Science & Technology Reference Librarian Emerita Princeton University

Environmental Justice — new journal

“Mary Ann Liebert brings out premier issue of Environmental Justice – 15 May 2008

Publisher Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., US, has announced the launch of a new journal – Environmental Justice. Dr. Sylvia Hood Washington of the University of Illinois at Chicago School of Public Health serves as Editor-in-Chief of the journal, the premier issue of which is available for free online at www.liebertpub.com/env.

The inaugural issue focuses on analyses of past and contemporary environmental compliance and enforcement, activism, and corrective actions, environmental politics, environmental health disparities, environmental epidemiology, environmental sociology, and environmental history.”

Source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter May 15, 2008

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EnergyCurrent.com — an Energy Business News Source

EnergyCurrent.com redesigns website – 07 May 2008

EnergyCurrent.com has redesigned its website and released several new features in advance of the 2008 Offshore Technology Conference. EnergyCurrent.com is a publisher of upstream energy business news focused on offshore petroleum and emerging and alternative energy resources.

The new site design gives readers around the world better access to expansive coverage of the upstream energy sector. The redesigned site features significant improvements in overall readability and navigation, allowing readers to more easily drill down to the news that is important for them. New features include an events calendar, industry links, a translation tool powered by Google and the EnergyWiki.

EnergyCurrent.com is projected as a one-stop resource for the latest news on the rapidly growing upstream energy business segments of Offshore Oil and Gas and Emerging and Alternative Energy resources. With more than 10,000 stores published to date, coverage focuses on global offshore exploration and production of oil and gas, field development and construction, the global LNG industry and renewable energy resources such as wind energy, wave energy, solar power, and bio-fuels. EnergyCurrent.com is free to read online and offers a free daily email digest recapping the previous day’s stories, an events calendar and a free business encyclopedia, EnergyWiki.”
Source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter, May 7, 2008

LexisNexis Academic — more transparent, enhanced

LexisNexis Academic the daily-updated, major news and legal resource now has a friendlier design. The layout and tabs are redesigned for easier navigation, and some terminology is clarified. One may eliminate sources in a “Source Selection tray”.

All of the searching techniques and parameters remain the same — Boolean logic, truncation, wild cards, proximity, or connecting, operators, etc. Under the “Power search”, button, searching hints are readily available; more, of course are explained under “Help”, and there are several tutorials.

LexisNexis Academic — more transparent, enhanced

LexisNexis Academic the daily-updated, major news and legal resource now has a friendlier design. The layout and tabs are redesigned for easier navigation, and some terminology is clarified. One may eliminate sources in a “Source Selection tray”.

All of the searching techniques and parameters remain the same — Boolean logic, truncation, wild cards, proximity, or connecting, operators, etc. Under the “Power search”, button, searching hints are readily available; more, of course are explained under “Help”, and there are several tutorials.

Colleges will receive “green” ratings

The Princeton Review is devising a rating system for determining sustainability rankings in colleges and universities. There is a system, STARS, the Sustainability Tracking, Assessment, and Rating System created by the Association for the Advancement of Sustainability in Higher Education, or AASHE. Their Associate Director has been advising the Princeton Review. The article makes mention of similar efforts by Peterson’s. To read the article in The Chronicle of Higher Education, here is the link:
http://chronicle.com/daily/2008/04/2582n.htm from the News section of Tuesday, April 22, 2008.

Earth Day, the story

Earth Day 2008
April 22 marks the 38th anniversary of Earth Day, a day of celebration and activism intended to raise awareness of environmental issues. In 1970 a nationwide “Environmental Teach-In,” led by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and Denis Hayes, helped organize around 20 million demonstrators to show support for a policy agenda focused on these concerns.

Source: the National Academies “WHATSNEWLIST”, Aoril 18, 2008

REN21 – Renewables 2007 Global Status Report

REN21 – Renewables 2007 Global Status Report
Source: Worldwatch Institute

This is taken directly from docuticker — a service which offers free alerts and collects selected documents from government agencies, think tanks, and NGOs. (The same group produces the ResourceShelf.)
April 13, 2008 at 11:51 am · Filed under Energy, Environment, International

“The Renewables 2007 Global Status Report provides an integrated perspective on the global renewable energy situation. It gives testimony of the undeterred growth of electricity, heat, and fuel production capacities from renewable energy sources, including solar PV, wind power, solar hot water/heating, biofuels, hydropower, and geothermal.

The report is the product of an international team of over 140 researchers and contributors from both developed and developing countries, drawing upon wide-ranging information and expertise across technologies, markets, and countries. Sections include: Global Market Overview, Investment Flows, Industry Trends, Policy Landscape, and Rural (Off-Grid) Renewable Energy. The policy section provides overviews of: policy targets for renewable energy, power generation promotion policies, solar hot water/heating policies, biofuels policies, municipal policies, and green power purchasing and renewable electricity certificates.”


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Art meets Ecology meets Technology

From The Scout Report, March 7, 2008 —
A little out of scope, but food for thought:

Ecology, Art, and Technology [Macromedia Flash Player, iTunes, Quick Time]

“The intersection between ecology, art, and technology is a complex one, and one that provides the inspiration for the EcoArtTech organization. The organization was created in 2005 and they are primarily interested in “working with digital, networked, and sustainable technologies and contemporary environments to create art about the environmentality of modern life.” Their work is funded by Colgate University, the Turbulence Commission, and the Pine Lake Environmental Campus of Hartwick College. From the homepage, visitors can learn about some recent projects, view video podcasts of installations, and learn more about upcoming events and exhibits. The projects include “Frontier Mythology” which is a mobile, solar-powered environmental digital video and FM radio installation made of recycled shipping pallets. Visitors can watch the Quick Time documentary that profiles this installation, and they may want to mention it to friends and colleagues. Overall, it’s a fine site and one that is quite thought provoking.” [KMG]

GreenFILE, a new database from EBSCO

The new database, GreenFILE, produced by EBSCO, concentrates on human interactions with the environment. It is a small database, which indexes many different types of documents, from scholarly journal articles to recipes from popular journals. About 6% of the articles have links to full text. The searching is transparent and flexible, including limiting by scholarly titles.

For research in depth, you mustn’t neglect the larger, more comprehensive databases in environmental sciences/studies and the subject database(s) most related to your topic.
For more information from the announcement in Knowledgespeak Newsletter of April 2, 2008, read on…

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