About Louise Deis

Science & Technology Reference Librarian Emerita Princeton University

National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC)

<a href="http://NSIDC.org”target=”_blank”>NSIDC is the leader in the field of cryospheric data management and distribution. They also conduct research and education. These data come from the field or are relayed from Earth-orbiting satellites. “The NSIDC supports research into our world’s frozen realms: the snow, ice, glacier, frozen ground, and climate interactions that make up the Earth’s cryosphere.”

NSIDC is part of the Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences (CIRES) at the University of Colorado at Boulder.

CIRES, in turn, is one of the 21 joint research institutes of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
One of these is at GFDL (Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory) on Princeton University’s Forrestal Campus, the Cooperative Institute for Climate Science

Status of EPA Libraries

From the Special Libraries Association’s online monthly newsletter: SLA Connections, May 2007:

In a letter of May 8th (2007) to the SLA, Mike Flynn, the EPA Director confimed that there is currently a moratorium on further closures and changes to the EPA Library Network.

He also wrote that: “EPA is committed to increasing access to environmental information through a combination of online and traditional library services via the EPA Library Network.”


Energy-saving custom Google search

In January 2007, a blog post titled Black Google Would Save 750 Megawatt-hours a Year proposed the theory that a black version of the Google search engine would save a fair bit of energy due to its popularity. Blackle saves energy because the screen is predominantly black. You can set Blackle as your home page; this way every time you load your browser, you will save a little bit of energy….

From the American Library Association’s e-newsletter, “American Libraries Direct” 5/23/2007.

Researching Environmental Economics at Princeton University

Bobray Bordelon, the Economics & Finance Librarian and head of Data Services, has created — and maintains — a very useful website for resources in environmental economics.

The main divisions are as follows:

I. Finding Books, Journals, and other Environmental Economic Literature

II. Working Papers and Technical Reports

III. Environment from an Economic Perspective

IV. General Indexes with Environmental Economic Content

V. Economics from an Environmental Perspective

VI. Environmental Data and Environmental Impact Statements

ECOLEX — a gateway to Environmental Law

ECOLEX is operated by the FAO, IUCN and UNEP*. It declares that it provides the most comprehensive, global source of information on environmental law. At this time, the Court Decisions Database is under development, but sections on Treaties, National Legislation, and Literature are present. “Treaties” contains references to and information on multilateral legal instruments. “National Legislation” covers jurisdictions around the world and legislation from the state or provincial level. The “Literature” section is comprised of information on monographs, articles and grey literature.

  • United Nations Organization for Food and Agriculture, The World Conservation Union, United Nations Environment Program

Encyclopedia of Earth

The Encyclopedia of Earth is a refereed wiki of all things of, and about, the Earth.
It seeks to become the world’s largest and most authoritative electronic source of information about the environments of Earth and their interactions with society.

The EoE is an Open Source project that uses a modified version of MediaWiki as its authoring platform. The EoE’s author wiki is restricted to individuals judged to be expert in their field by an editorial board, and articles are reviewed and approved by a subject specific editor prior to publication.

EOE topics range from “Atmospheric resources in Africa” to “Zagros Mountains forest steppe”, from “Acid rain” to “Zero-point energy”. There is a link to it from Princeton’s online catalog.

Earthscape Website — from Columbia University

Columbia earthscape is an integrated, interdisciplinary resource that connects the Earth and environmental sciences with their social, political, and economic dimensions. Although it primarily serves undergraduates, it also functions as an online reference for graduate students, investigators, and professionals, as well as a core text and enrichment for high schools and continuing education.”

Earthscape deals with the global environment. It’s a very useful site directing researchers to conferences, seminars, books and journals; teachers to multidisciplinary, multimedia resources; students to study aids; and policy-makers to global, public online discussions.

Earth Action Center of the NRDC

Having been directed to this Natural Resources Defense Council website from ActforChange.com, I’d like to pass the link along. Here you will find “Guides to greener living”: JOURNALS, COLUMNS & OVERVIEWS, ENERGY-SAVING TIPS, GUIDES TO CONSERVING RESOURCES, GUIDES TO PROTECTING YOUR FAMILIES’ HEALTH,
TRAVEL AND RECREATION INFO, as well as a links to a “legislative watch” and “guides to capitol hill” about communicating with Congress and the legislative process.

Environmental Science & Technology links via ACS

The American Chemical Society through its journal, Environmental Science & Technology Online has collected links with — and without — descriptions for the following topics: Air, Bioaccumulative & Toxic Chemicals, Biotechnology, Career, Climate Change, Energy, Green Chemistry, Groundwater, Land & Forests, Policy, Remediation, Risk Assessment, Sustainable Development, Technology, and Water.