Data collection ceasing on Crop Pesticide Applications

USDA to stop collecting data on pesticide use

The National Agricultural Statistics Service, a division of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), has announced that it will stop collecting data about the amount of pesticide applied to various crops. The program has been the public’s only source of reliable data on pesticide and fertilizer use for much of the United States. These data showed that pesticide use in engineered corn, soybeans, and cotton was higher than in conventional varieties, even though the biotech industry claimed that engineered crops would need less pesticide. Without the USDA’s data, UCS and other groups will have no way to track this trend into the future and evaluate the biotechnology industry’s claims. The Environmental Protection Agency also relies on the data to determine which chemicals should be regulated. In response to the announcement, 44 scientific, environmental, and sustainable farming groups including UCS have asked the USDA’s Secretary to reverse the decision. Read the letter, or read more from the Associated Press”.

Source: The FEED newsletter from Union of Concerned Scientists, June 2008.
FEED is the Food and Environment Electronic Digest.

Scientific Assessment of the Effects of Global Change on the United States

Finally released, after four years, and even now only after threat of
a court order —
from the National Science and Technology Council,
Scientific Assessment of the Effects of Global Change on the United States


International Environmental Standard — ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is the internationally recognised standard for the environmental management of businesses. It prescribes controls for those activities that have an effect on the environment. These include the use of natural resources, handling and treatment of waste and energy consumption.”
For more details click here.

International Environmental Standard — ISO 14001

ISO 14001 is the internationally recognised standard for the environmental management of businesses. It prescribes controls for those activities that have an effect on the environment. These include the use of natural resources, handling and treatment of waste and energy consumption.”
For more details click here.

Earth Day, the story

Earth Day 2008
April 22 marks the 38th anniversary of Earth Day, a day of celebration and activism intended to raise awareness of environmental issues. In 1970 a nationwide “Environmental Teach-In,” led by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson and Denis Hayes, helped organize around 20 million demonstrators to show support for a policy agenda focused on these concerns.

Source: the National Academies “WHATSNEWLIST”, Aoril 18, 2008

Art meets Ecology meets Technology

From The Scout Report, March 7, 2008 —
A little out of scope, but food for thought:

Ecology, Art, and Technology [Macromedia Flash Player, iTunes, Quick Time]

“The intersection between ecology, art, and technology is a complex one, and one that provides the inspiration for the EcoArtTech organization. The organization was created in 2005 and they are primarily interested in “working with digital, networked, and sustainable technologies and contemporary environments to create art about the environmentality of modern life.” Their work is funded by Colgate University, the Turbulence Commission, and the Pine Lake Environmental Campus of Hartwick College. From the homepage, visitors can learn about some recent projects, view video podcasts of installations, and learn more about upcoming events and exhibits. The projects include “Frontier Mythology” which is a mobile, solar-powered environmental digital video and FM radio installation made of recycled shipping pallets. Visitors can watch the Quick Time documentary that profiles this installation, and they may want to mention it to friends and colleagues. Overall, it’s a fine site and one that is quite thought provoking.” [KMG]

EPA Regional and Headquarters Libraries to reopen

The EPA National Library Network Report to Congress has been released.

It is dated March 26, 2008.

In the report it states that the EPA will receive S1 million to reopen the following libraries, which it hopes to do by September 30, 2008:
EPA Libraries in Regions 5, 6 & 7, Chicago, Dallas, & Kansas City respectively, and the EPA Headquarters Repository and Chemical Library in Washington, D.C.