Earth & Environmental Sciences — Springer ebooks now available!

cda_displayimage.jpgPrinceton University Library now has a subscription to Springer’s collection of titles for the Earth and Environmental Sciences, from 2005-2010. This link will take you directly to the collection as a database:

We have access to all the titles with the “green light”.

SpringerLink offers free access to search, tables of content, abstracts, and alerting services. Now Princeton has full-text access to the articles published in the journals and the book chapters…in selected subject areas. We will have access soon to the Physics and Astronomy collection from Springer.

Knovel adds titles in Sustainable Energy & Development and Earth Science

Knovel has just wrapped up a very busy year and is looking forward to helping our customers achieve their goals for 2009. Our focus is to help make users more productive in their work— in the office, out in the field, around the world. Last year we enhanced Knovel to make it faster and more flexible. We upgraded the functionality of interactive tables and doubled the amount of technical content on our site. To be more specific, we added nearly 400 new handbooks, including over 170 in two new subject areas: Sustainable Energy & Development and Earth Science.”

Source: Knovel News 2/10/09