NRC Report Examines Hidden Costs of Energy

"October 19, 2009 — A new report from the National Research Council examines "hidden" costs of energy production and use — such as the the health impacts of air pollution — that are not reflected in market prices of coal or oil. The quantifiable damages alone were an estimated $120 billion in the U.S. in 2005, a number that reflects primarily health damages caused by air pollution from electricity generation and motor vehicle transportation."

Source: National Academies Newsletter;

New Database on Pesticides, Food, and Health Risks

New Database on Pesticides, Food, and Health Risks

From the Web Site:

A new searchable database shows what pesticides are found on different foods, in what amount, and the health effects associated with exposure to each of the chemicals.

Access the Database

See Also: Where Does the Data Come From (Methodology)?

Source: Pesticide Action Network (via

Seconary source: Gary Price’s ResourceShelf Newsletter #420, Shirl Kennedy