Student Projects, Spring 2013

Final project descriptions and videos for all groups, Spring 2013

1. Grupo Naidy: Our project is a serv­ing sys­tem for restau­rants, called Ser­vice­Center, that allows wait­ers to effi­ciently man­age orders and tasks by dis­play­ing infor­ma­tion about their tables.

4. TFCS: We are mak­ing a hard­ware plat­form which receives and tracks data from sen­sors that users attach to objects around them, and sends them noti­fi­ca­tions e.g. to build and rein­force habits and track activity.

6. The GaitKeeper: Our project uses a shoe insole with pres­sure sen­sors to mea­sure and track a runner’s gait, offer­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties for live feed­back and detailed post-run analysis.

7. Team Colonial Club: The Pos­turePar­rot helps users main­tain good back pos­ture while sit­ting at a desk with a computer.

8. The Backend Cleaning Inspectors: Our project is to make a device to improve secu­rity and respon­si­bil­ity in the laun­dry room.

9. VARPEX: Richter Threads is a jacket that cre­ates a new pri­vate music lis­ten­ing expe­ri­ence through motors which vibrate with bass.

10. Team X: A “Kinect Juke­box” that lets you con­trol music using gestures.

11. Don’t Worry About It: The Nav­Belt will help nav­i­gat­ing around unfa­mil­iar places safer and more convenient

12. Do You Even Lift? Our project is a Kinect based sys­tem that watches peo­ple lift weights and gives instruc­tional feed­back to help peo­ple lift more safely and effectively.

13. Team CAKE: Run­way is a 3D mod­el­ling appli­ca­tion that makes 3D manip­u­la­tion more intu­itive by bring­ing vir­tual objects into the real world, allow­ing nat­ural 3D inter­ac­tion with mod­els using gestures

14. Team ChewbaccaOur project is a sys­tem con­sist­ing of a bowl, dog col­lar, and mobile app that helps busy own­ers take care of their dog by col­lect­ing and ana­lyz­ing data about the dog’s diet and fit­ness, and option­ally send­ing the owner noti­fi­ca­tions when they should feed or exer­cise their dog

15. Lifehackers: Our project is a glove that allows us to con­trol (sim­u­lated) phone actions by sens­ing var­i­ous hand gestures

16. Team Epple: Our project is to use Kinect to make an intu­itive inter­face for con­trol­ling web cam­eras through using body orientation

17. BlueCane: Our pro­to­type is a nav­i­ga­tional device for blind users that enables them to receive route-guided instruc­tions via Blue­tooth and car­di­nal direc­tions using hap­tic feedback

18. Team %eiip: Our project is a smart book­shelf sys­tem that keeps track of which books are in it

19. The Elite Four: We have devel­oped the Beep­achu, a min­i­mally intru­sive sys­tem to ensure that users remem­ber to bring impor­tant items with them when they leave their res­i­dences; the sys­tem also helps users locate lost tagged items, either in their room or in the world at large

20. Name Redacted: Our group is cre­at­ing an inter­ac­tive and fun way for stu­dents and oth­ers who do not know com­puter sci­ence to learn the fun­da­men­tals of com­puter sci­ence with­out the need for expen­sive soft­ware and/or hardware.

21. Oz: Oz authen­ti­cates indi­vid­u­als into com­puter sys­tems using sequences of basic hand gestures

24 Cereal Killers: A pro­gram to cre­ate com­puter short­cuts that can be replayed using hand gestures.

25. AcaKinect: AcaKinect is voice record­ing soft­ware that uses a Kinect for gesture-based con­trol, which allows con­tent cre­ators to record mul­ti­ple loops and beat sequences and orga­nize them into four sec­tions on the screen, cre­at­ing a more effi­cient and intu­itive way of pre­sent­ing a music record­ing inter­face for those less expe­ri­enced with the tech­ni­cal side of music production.


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