“The great beauty” by Paolo Sorrentino
“Finisce sempre così. Con la morte. Prima, però, c’è stata la vita, nascosta sotto il bla bla bla bla bla. È tutto sedimentato sotto il chiacchiericcio e il rumore. Il silenzio e il sentimento. L’emozione e la paura. Gli sparuti incostanti sprazzi di bellezza. E poi lo squallore disgraziato e l’uomo miserabile. Tutto sepolto dalla coperta dell’imbarazzo dello stare al mondo. Bla. Bla. Bla. Bla. Altrove, c’è l’altrove. Io non mi occupo dell’altrove.”
“This is how it always ends. With death. But first there was life. Hidden beneath the blah, blah, blah. It is all settled beneath the chatter and the noise. Silence and sentiment. Emotion and fear. The haggard, inconstant flashes of beauty. And then the wretched squalor and miserable humanity. All buried under the cover of the embarrassment of being in the world. Blah, blah, blah. Beyond there is what lies beyond. I don’t deal with what lies beyond.”
“Visually stunning Italian drama “The Great Beauty” won the Oscar for best foreign language film on Sunday, capping its successful awards season run in the United States and Europe”, from Reuter
“The Glory of Rome, the Sweetness of Life”, from the NYTimes.