An Overview of Events


Academic events

Undergraduate Colloquium

The Undergraduate Colloquium is an approximately monthly lecture series that covers a variety of mathematical topics. Talks often introduce important research problems and areas, and most are designed to be accessible with little formal background. Past speakers include Charles Fefferman, Peter Sarnak, Chris Skinner, Stefan van Zwam, and Mark Braverman, as well as the occasional graduate student and even more occasional undergraduate. Advertisements are sent to the nullset mailing list (see menubar link to join).

Meet Your Professors

The Meet Your Professors (MYP) initiative brings students and faculty together for lunches and dinners in the residential colleges. The program supplements office hours and lectures as an opportunity to get to know faculty, and provides an informal but intellectually charged atmosphere that promotes close student-faculty connections. Advertisements are sent to the nullset mailing list, and sign-ups may sometimes be done through Princeton’s WASS service if there is high demand.

Mentoring Mobius

Mentoring Mobius is an event that organizes undergrad and grad students into small group so that students can learn from one another. Join the mailing list for more information, or email the advising chair(s).

Advising Sessions

The Club holds advising sessions on topics like summer programs, undergraduate research, and graduate school applications. Watch the nullset list for details and dates, or email the advising chair(s).

Noetherian Ring

This is a ring for women in mathematics. Its website can be found in the menu bar.


(as of 2019 this has been discontinued)

Principia is an undergraduate math journal.

Social events

Board game nights, Pi Day celebrations, etc

These are events for math club members to relax and take a break from studying. Snacks are usually provided.

End of year banquet

We host a semi-formal dinner for math club members at the end of every school year to celebrate that year. Several professors come as well.

Outreach events

Princeton University Math Competition (PUMaC)

Annual contest for high school students, run entirely by Princeton students. In the most recent years, we have had over 500 competitors per year. Some teams travel from as far as China and Bulgaria to attend PUMaC. In addition to the PUMaC staff (~15 people), we recruit over 100 volunteers to help us on the day of the event.


Mercer County Math Circle
[As of 2019 this has been discontinued.]

This is an outreach event that organizes biweekly math talks at the local library for local high school and middle school students. The talks are given by undergraduates. The goal is to introduce these young kids to beautiful mathematical theories and inspire them to pursue mathematics-related careers.


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