Prospective Students


Princeton Preview

Every year, admitted students have the opportunity to spend a weekend at Princeton to help them decide whether to accept the admission. Admitted students in usual years are hosted by current undergraduates and may attend classes and various University and club sponsored events, though in recent years due to COVID-19 much of the programming has been virtual. Stay tuned for updates for Spring 2022!

Also, admitted students have the opportunity to request a host for Princeton Preview weekend. If you are going to visit during April Hosting and you would like to be hosted by a Math Club member or a mathematics student, please send an email to mathclub(at)

Visiting Campus

Many prospective students like to visit the Princeton campus at some point in the college search. The University has a page about visiting campus. If you are planning a visit and you want to know more about the Math Club and Math Department, please send an email to mathclub(at) We can give you information about times for math classes, and we can arrange for you to meet a current math major to give you an inside view of the campus and the Math Department in particular.

Other Information

Please email mathclub(at) if you have any questions or concerns. A Math Club officer will get back to you promptly.