An Overview of Summer Research


Research Experience for Undergraduates (REUs)

In you are applying for NSF-funded REUs, or would like to learn more and try out math research, take a look at the list of REUs here. (Note: the contact info for the specific REUs may be outdated. Please email the current advising chair if you have questions about a specific REU and they’ll direct you to a more recent student if there is one.) Lena Ji, a graduate student in the department, also has an excellent guide on her webpage. You can see a more complete list of REUs on the NSF webpage, or the AMS webpage. The deadlines are usually mid-February, so ask your professors beforehand for letters of recommendation! One of the best places for applying to REUs is
If you are an international student, be careful about eligibility for REUs, because they often require applicants to be US citizens/permanent residents. The Princeton funding is a great resource to take advantage of in this situation.

Princeton-funded research

If you are a sophomore or junior, you can apply (fairly perfunctorily) for our math department to give you funding (up to $4000!) to do research or a reading course at Princeton over the summer. You can also use this money as funding to go to an REU. You can read more on the math department site.



Contributions to this article:
Alice Lin (2019 advising co-chair),
Alex Chen (2019 webmaster).
Originally published March 2019.