The feast day of St. Nicholas, the patron saint of children, is celebrated today, the sixth of December.

Kolem Vánoc... Brno: Edice Dobré umení I, 1945. (Cotsen 46377)
St. Nicholas travels with two assistants and only one of them is carrying treats…
Maybe it shouldn’t be taken for granted that piles of presents with YOUR name will appear under the tree.
Is it time to admit you slipped kale under the table to the dog during dinner when everyone was arguing about the election? Or that you played video games your mother said were off-limits at your best friend’s house all the time?
It may be too late. So where IS he going?
The good news is that there are eighteen more days for everyone to clean up their acts before Christmas!
The prints were taken from Frantiska Doubrava’s suite of lithographs, Kolem vanoce [Around Christmas Time] (Brno: Edice Dobre umeni I, 1945). Cotsen 46377.