St. Nicholas Reimagined by the Avantgarde

There was a demand for equal time for St. Nicholas this week to balance the previous coverage on Santa.  This Sunday is the feast of St. Nicholas, so it’s the time to pay tribute to Western civilization’s other major dispenser of gifts to the naughty and nice.

Santa Claus is not exactly a style icon in that schlumfpy red suit and elf hat trimmed with fur. Okay, the suit makes sense for anyone whose job description requires him to ride around the world in an open sleigh pulled by eight tiny reindeer on a freezing winter night.  Warm, comfortable, and casual, but not hot by any stretch of any fashionista’s imagination…

And Saint Nicholas?  Once upon a time he didn’t think fashion mattered, as those tattersall check pants under the bishop’s robe scream loud and clear.  Not a good look, as Heidi Klumm would say.   A one-off Fendi sack might help.  And Knecht Ruprecht so needs to lose those boots.


Felix Timmermans, St. Nicholas in Trouble. Translated from the German by Amy Flashner. Illustrated by Else Wenz-Vietor. New York: Harper & Brothers, ca. 1932 (Cotsen 14312)

St. Nicholas got it through his head that he had to get serious about the brand and hire some image consulting firms.  Here are two options from the Wiener Werkstatte that include makeovers for Krampus.  Pretty sharp accessories!


Dita Moser. Kalender 1908. Vienna: Weiner Werkstatte, 1907. (Cotsen 52825)

diveky st nicholas krampus

St. Nicholas and Krampus post card by Jozsef von Diveky ca. 1915. Reproduced courtesy of Getty Images.

Then there is Lou Loeber’s radically stripped down ensemble, with Zwaert Pieter rockin’  stripes, from Nieuwe Beelding.   Glad the choice isn’t up to me.  All three work!


S. Franke. Gouden vlinders. Illustrated by Lou Loeber. Blaricum: de Waelburgh, 1927. (Cotsen 6085)

B. C. Faust’s Catechism of Health (1794): “Children, Brandy Is a Bad Liquor!”

Catechism of HealthIn 1794 Bernard Christian Faust (1755-1842), the court physician in the German principality of Schaumberg-Lippe, published  a book designed to teach children the principles of healthy living.  Its title was Gesundheits Katechismus zu Gebrauche in den Schulen und beym häuslichen Unterrichte.  The same year it was translated into English by John Henry Basse under the title A Catechism of Health.  A Dublin edition also came out in 1794.  An Edinburgh edition was issued in 1797 with a commendation by the eminent physician James Gregory as the best extant popular work of medicine he had seen.   The translation also quickly found a receptive public in America.

Cotsen has just acquired a copy of the first English translation.  It is illustrated with the frontispiece of a boy wearing what looks like a long night shirt.  A garment like this, Faust contended, was less confining and better for growing bodies than the usual corseted bodice and skirts.  He claimed that “The body will become healthier, stronger, taller, and more beautiful; children will learn the best and most graceful attitudes; and will feel themselves very well and happy in this simple and free garment.”

frontispiece of a boy wearing what looks like a long night shirt

Faust had equally strong opinions about what children should eat and drink.  Or not drink. Notice that Faust drops the question-and-answer format the better to deliver a lecture to children about the dangers of consuming strong spirits.  His vehemence on the subject of alcohol makes one wonder just  how widespread underage drinking was during the late Enlightenment…

Catechism of Health excerptCatechism of Health excerptHere is an excerpt from the section on brandy:

Some of Faust’s other recommendations seem downright peculiar today.  For example, he did not consider potatoes nutritious, cautioning his readers that “when eaten too often, or immoderately, prove hurtful to health, and to the mental faculties.” But undoubtedly plenty of advice in twenty-first century books on childcare and parenting that will strike later generations as just as ill-informed or quixotic!

Catechism of Health excerpt