About Louise Deis

Science & Technology Reference Librarian Emerita Princeton University

Earth Day website from Univ. of Buffalo

Earth Day 2009
1970-2009: 39 Years of Environmental Awareness
The University of Buffalo Libraries presents a CyberExhibit (originally curated in 2000 on the 30th anniversary of Earth Day) commemorating the anniversary of Earth Day, which includes: a brief history of Earth Day, a listing of selected international, national, state, local, and campus Internet resources, and other materials.

(Courtesy of Fred Stoss)


Frederick W. Stoss, M.S. (zool/ecol), M.L.S.
Associate Librarian
(Biological and Environmental Sciences and Mathematics)

Sustainability, The Journal…freely available, April, 2009

Sustainability, The Journal of Record Available Online in Celebration of Earth Day

New Rochelle, NY, April 16, 2009—In recognition of Earth Day 2009 activities, publisher Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., will provide complimentary online access to the bimonthly journal, Sustainability: The Journal of Record for the remainder of the month of April. The purview of this journal supports the Earth Day mission “to grow and diversify the environmental movement worldwide, and to mobilize it as the most effective vehicle for promoting a healthy, sustainable planet.” Complimentary access is available online at www.liebertonline.com/sus

Source: Email ad from MaryAnn Liebert Publishers

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BuildingGreen.com — a trial subscription

Princeton has a one-month trial of Building Green www.BuildingGreen.com

Building Green integrates a suite of online tools with wide-ranging
information on sustainable building including the GreenSpec directory of
products and Environmental Building News.

Please let me know if you’d like the library to subscribe to this resource.
Sandy Brooke


Librarian, Marquand Library of Art & Archaeology

Acting Librarian, School of Architecture Library

McCormick Hall 258-5860

ISA Handbook of Measurement Equations and Tables

ISA Handbook of Measurement Equations and Tables (2nd ed.)

ISImeasure.gif Description: Engineers, technicians and students alike who are designing industrial processes will find plenty of reference materials here on locating key information for solving daily problems.This updated, expanded, and improved version provides hundreds of essential equations and tables to help you select, operate and maintain measurement devices.

The 2nd Edition adds brand new chapters packed with tables and equations for Industrial Communications Buses, Safety, and Environmental Measurements. Tables and equations have been added to all the previous edition’s chapters covering Units of Measurement, Pressure, Flow, Temperature, Level, Humidity, Electrical and Viscosity measurements. Publisher: Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society

From today’s Knovel News

BioOne has a new platform

BioOne is home to 113 not-for-profit society and institutional publishers from around the world.”

“Bringing together a wide range of work on the biological, ecological, and environmental sciences from scientific societies, libraries, academe, and the private sector, the new platform had to be capable of supporting multiple product types. The BioOne site hosts full-text HTML journal and book content fully integrated on the one site. This benefits the user by providing a consistent user experience and single sign on irrespective of the content they are seeking. BioOne benefits by being able to deliver book and journal content together, or separately, from a single platform, and being able to manage the site using a single administration tool from the desktop.”
Source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter

Princeton University has supported BioOne from its inception. You can see what journals are availble though this consortium from the e-journals page, under “Collections” or here: http://libweb5.princeton.edu/ejournals/browsezd.asp?index=Project&key=BioOne

Yale Environment 360

Yale Environment 360
Wed, Feb 11 2009 1:49 PM (57 subscribers)

Yale Environment 360 is an online magazine offering authoritative opinion, analysis, reporting and debate on global environmental issues. The site (http://e360.yale.edu) features articles by scientists, journalists, and people on the front lines in the environmental field, as well as multimedia content and a daily digest of major environmental news.


Discovered” via the “Sierra Club Insider”: “Sierra Club Executive Director Carl Pope argues in Yale’s e360 magazine that a well-designed package of market reforms, done correctly, will lead to a future that is both prosperous and beneficial.” (moving towards a green economy)

Knovel adds titles in Sustainable Energy & Development and Earth Science

Knovel has just wrapped up a very busy year and is looking forward to helping our customers achieve their goals for 2009. Our focus is to help make users more productive in their work— in the office, out in the field, around the world. Last year we enhanced Knovel to make it faster and more flexible. We upgraded the functionality of interactive tables and doubled the amount of technical content on our site. To be more specific, we added nearly 400 new handbooks, including over 170 in two new subject areas: Sustainable Energy & Development and Earth Science.”

Source: Knovel News 2/10/09

Biotechnology for Energy & Environment

From the LC Web Site:
Biotechnology — Tracer Bullet 08-9

While the term “biotechnology” covers a very broad area, this guide focuses on the most recent uses of biotechnology in its four major fields: 1. medicine (vaccine development, chemotherapy drugs, stem cell therapy, gene therapy, and pharmacogenomics); 2. agriculture (genetically modified organisms and cloning); 3. energy and environment (biofuel and waste management); and 4. the bioethical and legal implications of biotechnology.

This guide updates and replaces TB 84-7, and furnishes a review of the literature in the collections of the Library of Congress on the topic. Not intended as a comprehensive bibliography, this compilation is designed-as the name of the series implies-to put the reader “on target.”