The Institute of Physics on the science behind climate change

UK Institute of Physics publishes briefing note on climate change – 08 Dec 2009

“The Institute of Physics (IOP) has published a physics briefing note to help understand the science behind climate change as several world leaders have gathered in Copenhagen to discuss environmental issues.

Prof. Dame Jocelyn Bell Burnell, President of the IOP, has expressed hope that world leaders will appreciate the major contribution science can make to our understanding of all aspects of global change, including climate change. Science can improve our predictions of what might happen; physics can provide critical, objective analysis of new schemes. Physics along with technology can develop new and more efficient energy sources, and find ways of minimising waste (of all kinds).

Prof. Burnell further states that climate models are the best tools available for understanding changes in climate, and from these models it seems we are entering an unprecedentedly difficult period for the human race. Science can diagnose the problem and it can work to remedy it, but it can do neither without support from world leaders.

These comments accompany the publication of a briefing note from IOP which summarises advances in human understanding of the climate and the work being done to create a low-carbon energy infrastructure. It includes comment from some of the UK’s leading climate experts.

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Source: Knowledgespeak Newsletter.

Inspiration for Copenhagen

Here are a couple of websites that were listed by Dana Roth and Fred Stoss on Chemical Information and Science & Technical Librarians listservs:

1. From Saturday’s International Day of Climate Action

2. Announcing two major photography exhibits, "Climate Change In Our World" and "How We Know About Our Changing Climate," which will premier in Washington DC just as the U.S. Senate begins debate on climate and energy legislation and a month before the international UNFCCC meetings in Copenhagen.
In an effort to educate and inspire about climate change and its solutions, Gary Braasch brings twenty 5-foot color photographs of climate change and its solutions today, to the Washington headquarters of the American Association for the Advancement of Sciences — November 10 through March 15, 2010.
Accompanying this show of images from his book Earth Under Fire: How Global Warming is Changing the World is a teaching exhibit for kids and adults about how scientists learn about climate change, in association with Lynne Cherry. This show includes educational ideas for classrooms and Cherry’s films about kids who are reducing their climate impact in school and their communities.

Location: AAAS

For more information:

Special Note: The "Young Voices" films also will be shown several times at events in Copenhagen.