EPA’s National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS)

NSCEP/NEPIS – EPA’s Gateway to Free Digital & Paper Publications

"This site is EPA’s premier site for accessing EPA publications, with more than 7,000 in stock and 35,000 digital titles, free of charge! EPA’s print publications are available through the National Service Center for Environmental Publications (NSCEP), and EPA’s digital publications are stored in the National Environmental Publications Internet Site (NEPIS) database! You can search and retrieve, download, print and/or order only EPA publications from this site. "

Some of these reports will be also listed in various government databases, like NTIS, NTRL, MarciveWeb DOCS, and also in WorldCat and Google. (NTIS does not provide links or access to the full text.)

The EPA National Library Network has updated its Core List for an Environmental Reference Collection

Experiment: read EPA docs and describe (tag) them

Play Tag With Government Documents

“Free Government Information is doing an experiment for tagging government documents, and they need you to help.

The group has taken 32 documents from the EPA Web site and posted them to the Internet Archive, at http://www.archive.org/search.php?query=epapilotproject . They want you to read the documents, and then describe them and tag them in del.icio.us. You can see what’s been tagged so far at http://del.icio.us/tag/epapilotproject?setcount=100 . The project will run for three months and then the data generated by users will be analyzed, with the group determining how many participated, average number of tags per document, how the documents were described, etc.”

Source: ResearchBuzz #420 — February 28, 2008