Robert Jahn

Robert Jahn, former dean of the School of Engineering and Applied Science and professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, emeritus, died Nov. 15, 2017

3 thoughts on “Robert Jahn

  1. Terri Pauline

    I had the honor of working in Dean Jahn’s plasma lab one summer and being known, and named, by him as one of “The Thirteen” women of the class of ’76 who entered the Engineering School, thereby taking women’s enrollment out of the single digits for the first time. His support for us was influential.

  2. Amy (Kopp) Hopkins '80

    I had the pleasure of working with Bob both as an undergraduate in the civil engineering department and as an initial test subject in PEAR starting in 1979. I was always struck by his open-mindedness and willingness to entertain any concept as long as it could be studied in a scientific manner. The work was fascinating and I was glad to be a part of it. Certainly one of the most interesting things I’ve ever done!
    Condolences to his family, especially his daughter Jill, who was my roommate senior year.

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