Adel Mahmoud, lecturer with the rank of professor in molecular biology and international affairs, Woodrow Wilson School, died June 11, 2018
Category Archives: Faculty
Alvin Kernan
Alvin Kernan, the Avalon Foundation Professor of the Humanities, Emeritus, professor of English, emeritus, and former dean of the Graduate School at Princeton University, died May 17, 2018
Léon-François Hoffmann
Léon-François Hoffmann, professor of French and Italian, emeritus, died May 25, 2018
Bernard Lewis
Bernard Lewis, the Cleveland E. Dodge Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Emeritus, died on May 19, 2018.
André Maman
André Maman, professor of Romance languages and literatures, emeritus, died April 13, 2018
David Billington
David Billington, the Gordon Y.S. Wu Professor of Engineering, Emeritus, died March 25, 2018
Anne Treisman
Anne Treisman, the James S. McDonnell Distinguished University Professor of Psychology, Emeritus, died Feb. 9, 2018
Kenneth Deffeyes
Kenneth Deffeyes, professor of geosciences, emeritus, died Nov. 29, 2017
George Pitcher
George Pitcher, professor of philosophy, emeritus, died Jan. 12, 2018
Slobodan Ćurčić
Slobodan Ćurčić, professor of art and archaeology, emeritus, died Dec. 3, 2017